Plant leaves curling up, brown, crunchy & more


Active Member
This will be brief because i'm heading out to class. Fed it last night and now it looks like this a day later. I had ff soil and ff nutrients. may have been heavy feeding but no more than usual. About 3 weeks old. Under t5 24w. Bad picture- camera wouldn't focus correctly. I think it might be overwatering and also nutrient burn. Any help would be great. It was a great looking plant yesterday.... really big and healthy and the nutrient water i was using didn't change from any other feeding.



Well-Known Member
I think that plant is now deceased.. You can try to cut it all off, re-pot it in a nute free soil and water very lightly for a few weeks and see what happens..

Be careful with your feeding, baby plants dont need much..


Well-Known Member
If its an ambulance, you got a chance. In a hearse, gonna be worse.

I hope you ain't a horticulture student.


Active Member
The plant was almost 4 weeks old and i normally don't add to much if any nutrients since i had the FF soil. It was taking it well for the last two weeks. I will try to rehab it but it was a free seed so i might just ditch it. anyone know what might be the cause? I have the church growing next to it and would hate for it to happen to it to.

The inner leaves are fine at the moment.