Hi folks. I’m a novice grower and a newbie on this forum. I’m wondering if someone can lend some insight into an issue I’m having. 

that First I’ll state the plants are being grown in 10 gallon Smart Pots with Pro-Mix HP. I’m using Dagda time release nutes with dechlorinated tap water brought down to 6.0 pH. Plants are not being over/under watered. I had an aphid ( and a bit of a caterpillar problem early on but they were taken care of (I’ve dealt with aphids/spider mites/thrips/fungus gnats/powdery mildew before so I have some knowledge of issues). I’ve gone over these plants with a 40X jewellers loupe and a 1000X microscope and there are no signs of pests or eggs! The new growth comes in either twisted and deformed or looks “eaten” before it even has a chance to grow out. It also appears as holes in some of the bigger leaves around it but then progresses symmetrically towards the leaf spine. Any input from some more experienced growers would be much appreciated! Cheers