Plant issues???

Hi folks. I’m a novice grower and a newbie on this forum. I’m wondering if someone can lend some insight into an issue I’m having. BA4AFA1E-57EE-42B2-82C6-96E06806CFEE.jpegBA4AFA1E-57EE-42B2-82C6-96E06806CFEE.jpegC129845E-023D-466F-8E11-ADC9A800AB84.jpegCFCADF9C-0BF1-4B63-A0FD-7D7A3F0E2446.jpegCBD309E8-3B7D-4523-9992-4817DF0F6C5C.jpegA5B10451-C96F-497A-89AF-886F7CEAC7DC.jpegthat First I’ll state the plants are being grown in 10 gallon Smart Pots with Pro-Mix HP. I’m using Dagda time release nutes with dechlorinated tap water brought down to 6.0 pH. Plants are not being over/under watered. I had an aphid ( and a bit of a caterpillar problem early on but they were taken care of (I’ve dealt with aphids/spider mites/thrips/fungus gnats/powdery mildew before so I have some knowledge of issues). I’ve gone over these plants with a 40X jewellers loupe and a 1000X microscope and there are no signs of pests or eggs! The new growth comes in either twisted and deformed or looks “eaten” before it even has a chance to grow out. It also appears as holes in some of the bigger leaves around it but then progresses symmetrically towards the leaf spine. Any input from some more experienced growers would be much appreciated! Cheers


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I maybe mistaken but I don’t believe this is a nutrient deficiency/excess. Overall plant looks good and healthy. If you know of a deficiency/excess that causes this would you please enlighte me. My research has led to the the twisting and deforming could potentially be caused due to excess/deficient in nutrients but states nothing of the plants developing holes in the leaves and “eating” away at itself due to this. Please educate me if I am wrong. Cheers!
I maybe mistaken but I don’t believe this is a nutrient deficiency/excess. Overall plant looks good and healthy. If you know of a deficiency/excess that causes this would you please enlighte me. My research has led to the the twisting and deforming could potentially be caused due to excess/deficient in nutrients but states nothing of the plants developing holes in the leaves and “eating” away at itself due to this. Please educate me if I am wrong. Cheers!
I don't know why your plant is doing that just wanted to give that advice. Also wanted to get views and replies up for your thread so people will notice it :D
I wasn’t saying it couldn’t be and I appreciate the help. I was actually wondering if you knew of a deficiency or toxicity that would actually cause this damage. I apologize as I wasn’t trying to come across as not being appreciative as I am! Just wondered if you could expand on it if you knew. Thanks for bumping the post as well.
I wasn’t saying it couldn’t be and I appreciate the help. I was actually wondering if you knew of a deficiency or toxicity that would actually cause this damage. I apologize as I wasn’t trying to come across as not being appreciative as I am! Just wondered if you could expand on it if you knew. Thanks for bumping the post as well.
Your good man :D
It’s not the whole plant but there are multiple tops it’s happening to. As I said I’m a novice but was thinking maybe soil fungus or pathogen but that’s above my knowledge level???
A fellow southern Ontario grower...nice! Cheers bud! I’ve been keeping an eye out but haven’t see any in the last couple weeks. I will continue to monitor and I hope that’s what it is. Wishing for for Just so I know what I’m dealing with
Thrips just hit my area, and battling flea beetles for almost a month now. Cmon catapillers. Then l can relax! Killed about 50 catapillers this week. But none in mj garden yet!
Thrips just hit my area, and battling flea beetles for almost a month now. Cmon catapillers. Then l can relax! Killed about 50 catapillers this week. But none in mj garden yet!
I had them
I’m had caterpillars in my garden a few weeks ago but I also had aphids. Sprayed and seems to have taken care of both. Been checking numerous times daily with no sign of any pest hence why I’m questioning the deformation.
I did a little research and came up with Broad mites.. Pics on icmag look just like that..
From what I read up on this was the way I was leaning but I couldn’t find any indication of them anywhere. I planned on spraying regardless to hit them if it was the case. Thanks for the response folks. I appreciate it! I prefer to grow indoors but the price of growing outdoors is right. Only downside being you can’t control all the variables the way you can indoors. Cheers again!
Ontario outdoor grower here as well...I've noticed the odd hole in a leaf or end chewed off the past 2 weeks, but when I check the leaves I haven't found the culprits on there yet. I may resort to Safer's soap spray if it gets bad.
Ontario outdoor grower here as well...I've noticed the odd hole in a leaf or end chewed off the past 2 weeks, but when I check the leaves I haven't found the culprits on there yet. I may resort to Safer's soap spray if it gets bad.
Broad mites are microscopic, I would spray!
Broad mites are microscopic, I would spray!
Broad mites are microscopic, I would spray!
Hit it up with Doktor Doom tonight. Hit it up with Safers last week as I didn’t know if it could possibly be fungal (as well as some pest management in it). Has been deteriorating since so I guess if spraying it doesn’t work maybe it’s in the soil??? Once again hoping for I can deal with that. Thanks again folks!
Go out when it gets dark and look your plants over, could be cutworms. They like to climb out of your dirt at night and eat. Check the top of your soil for little worm holes or bigger O circles that have had the topsoil lifted off.

At night just yap on all your plants and look for them to fall to the dirt as they roll up and drop when disturbed. Possibly baby grasshoppers could be the culprit also.