Plant issues, unsure what they are though


Active Member
Hiya guys, I have 9 Greenhouse Seeds TrainWreck, I'm running a single tent with a 600w HPS 4" intake, 6" exhaust, humidity is around 45-50% temps are 24-15 celcius (light on/off), I've been feeding them 0.5-0.6 EC made up of dutch pro A and B and calmag with some takeroot, ph 5.6-5.7 growing in perlite and vermiculite. light is 18 inches away

I have a 400w HPS too, but was told they don't really need it at this stage and it would be a waste of electricity, is this the case?

Thanks in advance guys and be gentle I'm new to this :D

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Well-Known Member
You have a classic Mag deficiency my friend. Bump your current feeding to 1.0EC with a CaMG supplment and you`re start seeing green open up. Locking out N right now, will free up with theCaMg. Try it and let us know,

KC :weed:


Active Member
Right guys, Thanks for the replies, Kush, would a 1.0 not burn them? I put a 3/4 strength dose of Plant magic magne-cal in, with a little a&b. It's also soft water, my tap water is 0.16EC, drainage holes also makes sense, I have one 12mm hole in each pot but i have noticed that the hole gets jammed up with perlite, the nute burn, I'm not sure about as they are on a low ec so shouldn't be burning them I water every 2-3 days with a low EC, I wish you guys could come and see them, It's hard to judge from pics. but I appreciate the help guys, how do I +rep? any thoughts on the 400? I'll post more pics in a few days, and also, we did cover the pots with foil, but took it off to try and get more air in


Well-Known Member
Right guys, Thanks for the replies, Kush, would a 1.0 not burn them? I put a 3/4 strength dose of Plant magic magne-cal in, with a little a&b. It's also soft water, my tap water is 0.16EC, drainage holes also makes sense, I have one 12mm hole in each pot but i have noticed that the hole gets jammed up with perlite, the nute burn, I'm not sure about as they are on a low ec so shouldn't be burning them I water every 2-3 days with a low EC, I wish you guys could come and see them, It's hard to judge from pics. but I appreciate the help guys, how do I +rep? any thoughts on the 400? I'll post more pics in a few days, and also, we did cover the pots with foil, but took it off to try and get more air in
EC of 1.0 won`t burn you at all, most of my plants in weeks 0-3 of flower recieve this concentration, work great. Drainage holes will be necessary if you only have the one as well, could be rotting roots from the bottom up. I`d recommend getting at least 4 more `perimeter` holes, and flush plain water once after the CaMg can absorb for a few days, will help with the build-up if there is any

I`d keep your light the way it is, should be plenty powerful enough, may just stress them more with morei intesity. Try the above and you should see a turn-around in a week, may have set them back 2-3 weeks though with stunt. And you +Rep with the little star emblem beside `journal this post` on the bottom of each post :). Happy growing mate,

KC :weed:


Active Member
I upped the calmag dose as you advised, also, my bulb needed changing, I'm not going to drill holes yet because The root system is building nicely, I've uncovered the tops of the pots, but they are looking much better already, a lot perkier, I'll post pics in a week and see if you can notice a change, for better or worse (hopefully better), if you don't mind :D