Plant issues at flowering


New Member
Hi all,

I am new to this and this is my first, i have a setup and i started to notice that the thr leaves were yellowing, i realise that sone yellowing is apart of the process but its a bit dramatic i think and seems to be spreading quicker than i would like.

I have read about nitrogen dificency and that seems to match up but need to confirm and how to stop this recking the yield or my grow completley.

I feed them a litre a plant a day with coco a and b and as flowering i am now using 1ml per 10 litres of bud complex.

My set up is pretty basic compared to what i have seen but still has a carbon filter, 3 600w lights.

I would be greatful for any help or advice

Pics to follow in 10 mins

Much respect.


New Member
<iframe width="480" height="360" src=""></iframe>


New Member
Ya didnt work mate lol if there is anything else you need or want to know fireaway

I am on standby

Thanks lads

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Well-Known Member
Not the greatest pics in the world but they kind of look heat burned for one thing.

Don't even bother to put up pics under a HPS light, kind of hard to detect yellow when the whole plant looks yellow from the light.


Well-Known Member
That first picture looks like they are speckled with dots. Have you looked under the leafs for bugs??


New Member
Ah good point ok i will take a picture of one of the worst out of the tent sorry this is all new to me :)

10 mins will upload it thanks aim aim

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Well-Known Member
And stop pulling fan leaves off those girls, they need the energy.....when the plant has exhausted it's need for the fan leaf, it will shed it naturally. No need to be pulling them off manually.


New Member

Got them out the room, i have checked every plant for bugs and none in site and no leaves being nibbled, and ya sorry shouldnt of pulled then off

And here you go in a relative normal light

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New Member
just looks like you stopped n too soon into flower
Ok now i am in partnership and he decided the flowering stage as a novice i didnt disagree and in your opionion how far off as i will be going solo soon so any advice info etc is gratefully recieved

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Well-Known Member
i have done the same before and have a tga strain that fades early if i dont give it extra n for the first 2 weeks of 12/12 and then i ease it back untill i am giving the same mix as i ould normally.
On the bright side your buds seem fine and hile you on'tbe able to get rid of the yelloing that has already appeared as long as you get your nutrients straightened out the loss ill stop and you still have plenty of foliage left to soak up those rays.


New Member
Excellent ok so am i right in saying i need to flush it for how long? Few days? Then start feeding again? And lads thankyou for all your help and it is much appreciated

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Well-Known Member
AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said the anti-flushing guy.

Your yellowing leaves is a N deficiency....I suspect you're using bloom nutes that are light on N. Flushing will only take away any of the nutrients left in your soil and you'll be worse off than you are now.


New Member
AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said the anti-flushing guy.

Your yellowing leaves is a N deficiency....I suspect you're using bloom nutes that are light on N. Flushing will only take away any of the nutrients left in your soil and you'll be worse off than you are now.
Ok when looking at the bloom n i am using how would i know what is high and what is low?

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New Member
Ok nitrogen i understand but i have checked for paracites and bugs nothing i can see no moving creatures above of below any leaves and no suspect eggs how else can i check? And thanks for your imput

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