Plant is still not showing sex after 3 weeks of flower (8 weeks total)


Looks beautiful. Don't panic and feed it. I would back off any nitrogen for the next week. I.e. no N!!
Add a bloom booster to help induce flowering if no hairs present. And make sure there are no light leaks.
Hope this helps. Again, a very healthy plant!!


New Member
Can you get a closer pic of the node so we can see where it will show its sex? Also, where is the seed from? Is it supposed to be feminized?
I'm about to take another picture and I got the seed from my friend and he claimed to feminize them so yeah.


New Member
u are spose to be giving it 24 or 48 hours of dark bro stop turing the lights on it and leave it alone u will fuck into a male or hermie
Yeah dude I smoked one to many bowls last night and forgot to unplug my lights and they already came on so I'm just gonna do it on Monday on Tuesday


Well-Known Member
Looks beautiful. Don't panic and feed it. I would back off any nitrogen for the next week. I.e. no N!!
Add a bloom booster to help induce flowering if no hairs present. And make sure there are no light leaks.
Hope this helps. Again, a very healthy plant!!
Back off in N to speed growing of stuff? Idk bout that ;)


New Member
Alright guys after a lot of research I've decided that I'm going to switch the light cycle to 10/14 until the plant shows sex then switch back to 12/12 because I don't want to stress it out to much by turning the lights off a full day or two.


Well-Known Member
So i cant read your post but i think it says, well just repost it cause i thought you said something about lack of light causing nitrogen lockout.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the previous post......needs more light!

Many times I've turned the light off for 24-36 hours straight to initiate a quicker flowering onset with no negative effect to the plant. I don't really think it makes much of a difference with flowering either.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of guys going 11/13 to show sex sooner? Less hormone to kill n all. You think theres truth to this?
i have heard of people doing this with clones 11/13 or 10/14 they rekon it works but i like the dark period as it seems to get them going i have heard of guys going 11/13 10/14 from seed and things not turing out to well as in more males and mate of mine noticed hermie's from some femmed seeds