plant is dying


I have had this plant and it is almost 3 months old. About a week ago it took a turn for the worst. I started a 12/12 lighting and about a week after that i woke up and it looked like this. The day before I watered it til water came out the bottom of the pot (about 12oz. Of water). It has been exceptionally hot as well but the temp where the plant stays was 75-80 degrees. The leaves are crispy and have curled up. It started with just the bottom half of the plant doing this then the entire plant started doing it about 2 days ago. Anyone have any ideas what's wrong with it? I was thinking ph problems?? i have photos as well



Well-Known Member
That's 3 MONTHS OLD??? Holy shit it's tiny. It looks fried. What kind of light did you use to cook it?


Ok so firsttime grower here and it's a 150watt soft hire light. What is nuteburn and is there any way of it coming back??


Well-Known Member
Nute burn is when you introduce nutrients to the plant either too soon, start out too strong, or both. I'm not sure you can save that but may be worth a try. Try flushing it with a few gallons of Ph'ed water. Don't use water from the tap unless it's well water or has sat out for 24 hours or more to let the chlorine evaporate. Chlorine will kill it for sure. I don't know what a soft hire light is, but you need to have either a bunch of compact flourecents(CFLs) with the highest amount of lumens you can get them in and at least 26watts. Probably the higher K bulbs like 5700k or more. The ideal light would be a metal halide right now to get it back to normal, then switch to High Pressure Sodium to flower it, but take it one step at a time. See if you can get it healthy again first. Try the flush, no nutrients, and at least 18 hours of light a day without the bulbs getting so close they burn it or so far away they aren't doing much for it. Try the CFLs to avoid high heat. It will either perk back up within a few days or continue to wilt and dry indicating that it's toast.


Sorry for the spelling error, I meant to type "soft white light". it is a 150 watt CFL. I have it about a foot off the plant ever since it started doing this. I have been reading a lot and I am going to try the flushing. What watt light do you think I should downgrade to? I read the light package and it's 2600 lumens. It's one of those energy saver lights so it says it's 150 watt equivalent. Thanks a ton for the help.


Well-Known Member
If it's a 150 w equivelant, it's probably a 26Watt and you're good. It doesn't need to be a foot away, but I'd get a fan on it to minimize the heat and keep it about three inches away. That K rating will be good for flowering, but I think you may need to add another one or two with a higher K to get it back to health. One light wont be enough to grow it with. Make sure your temps stay in check like around the mid 70's at the most until she recovers. You only need to flush it if you've been feeding it nutes or have soil with nutes in it. She needs to pick back up before feeding anything. It wouldn't hurt to give it a light mist spray of water at lights out. Just don't mist it with the lights on as it will burn it further.Good luck.


Sounds great man I really appreciate the help. As far as the last commet, it will be 3 months tomorrow and right now it's 21 inches. Ever since it started drooping and stuff it has wilted over; it was about 28+ inches. So it's growth has stopped and if I stand it up straight it is about back to normal. When it was healthy it was one of the best plants I have seen. Extremely thick, full and tall. Oh btw have any of you ever heard of cutting your tops off (right below the top where it sprouts out). My friend did it and said instead of just having 2 sprouts it will have 4 sprouts by
the time to start drying. Just a thought