Plant is dying! don't know why! please help!


Well-Known Member
yepper.. overwatering and nute burn.. temps possibly too high as well (try to lower to about 72 deg). for now just cut those dead/dying/yellowing leaves off, they are no use to the plant. do NOT transplant right now.. wait until all leaves are healthy deep green then transplant if pot too small.. good luck!


Active Member
I'm doing a scrog and my undergrowth fan leafs die off like this, which is caused by poor air flow and poor light exposure. I would certainly add a oscillating fan! Your leafs should always be moving in the wind.
Obviously make sure you do not have a def. with the leafs looking neon green like this. Did you do color correction on these pics?
No color correction was done on these pics. You can only see part of my fan setup in one pic. i have a large racing brake duct fan at the top of my box blowing at low speed into ductwork (pulling warm, filtered air from above the box) and into a small sealed box. each side of this box has a small computer fan in it running on 12v, wired in parallel. I dont believe air circulation is a problem. also, the air is being exhausted by another racing fan, through a filter and out the side. The box is fully sealed when the door is closed making this a complete air-exchange system.

Lighting on the other hand may be an issue as I am allowing these plants to bush out (pinching the top of the plant to make them go out, not up) There is a rather large canopy on these plants but, as of late, the top leaves are starting to get some yellowing on the ends. i will add pictures shortly.


Active Member
yepper.. overwatering and nute burn.. temps possibly too high as well (try to lower to about 72 deg). for now just cut those dead/dying/yellowing leaves off, they are no use to the plant. do NOT transplant right now.. wait until all leaves are healthy deep green then transplant if pot too small.. good luck!
It's about time for me to change the light cycle on them and, with that, I usually adjust their watering schedule from 200ml every day to 200ml every other day. The only way I can adjust the room temperature is by adjusting the temperature of the room that their box has been built in and by reducing the lights in the box, which id rather not do at the time. It's 76 F lights on and 70-72 lights off. fans are off during this night phase. should i alter this??? the lower leaves have been cut. I have no plans to transplant as in their unstable stage, this will only produce more shock to the plants. I have cut back to 0 nutes, just RO water and I am going to update pics in a new thread. Thank you and thank everyone who has assisted me.


Well-Known Member
Weed is quite a hardy plant, can handle a few degrees over optimum, pH swings from 6.3 to 6.8, insufficient air, root locking, too cold, too hot, and all sorts. Doesnt mean its going to be the most healthiest plant around but within those parameters it can take the abuse.

However over feeding will pretty much damage it every time.

If they have been in the pots less than 4 weeks and ur using miracle grow, then there will still be slow release nutes in the soil. If you are adding any more fertilizer in that first 4 weeks in the pot then it will probably burn the leaves like that.


Active Member
They've been in those pots since the beginning of october, from seed. I dont really know what else to do but I know they are needing something. I redid all my ductwork to create a 100% air exchange in my grow chamber in less than a minute. There is no high speed air flow but just large air ducts with a lot of air moving. I have just started the flowering process and the nute requirements change, obviously, so if the plants get better, it was nitrogen. I dont understand how though because of the high nitrogen content in the soil and the even higher nitrogen content in the fertilizer. if anything, i would be lead to think i gave it too much nitrogen. also, is magnesium found in miracle grow azalea plant food? (water sol) I see no reference to magnesium on the box. what could i use to get mg in the soil if its a mg difficiency???


Well-Known Member
I prefer my soil right at a PH of 6.5. Why are you watering everyday? Otherwise everything looks good.


Well-Known Member
It is a nutrient deficiency, the plant is makeing up for it by reabsorbing these nutrients from the bottom leaves, before loosing them to give extra exposure to the root system. I tell you, plants are smarter than we are...


Active Member
ok, I have just entered flowing since starting this thread. do you think its a nitrogen deficiency or mg? Im using miracle gro water soluble azalea camellia rhododendron plant food 30-10-10 and miracle grow soil (because closest fox farms supplier is 250 miles away.) also, since the light cycle change, I have been watering every other day. I need a reccommendation for nutes available at a lowes or home depot or something.