You may have over watered and under hydrated. Your plants have very little roots. You disturbed them when you moved it.
Take a 2 or 3 liter pop bottle and cut the top off about 4 inches down. Put your plant in a small saucer of water. Mist your plant leaves. Put the bottle upside down over the plant.
This will create a tropical environment. Keep the plant warm, but not hot. Do not turn off the lamps. Check and make sure there is always a little water in the saucer. Soon new roots will develope.
p.s. Don't transplant for the first two or three weeks after germination.
plants tend to look a lil funky after transplanting. i had a plant drop all the way over my its new pot when i transplanted last. like an 18 inch tall plant laying over, it was pitiful. i proped her up with a stake and she came back within hours. i watched her perk right back up, pulled the stake out and she was standin strong.