Plant is drooping :/


Well-Known Member
I've had this plant for a while and i'm keeping it in a clear container under a light. I recently noticed the leaves were drooping down and then i recognized there was too much water is the pot because when i tilted it, it poured out the side. What can I do to save my plant? Please.



Well-Known Member
clear container? roots getting hit but light through the walls of the container? possibly?


Well-Known Member
are there any holes in the bottom of the container for the water to drain out of? do you put a top on the container usually? how often do you water it?


Well-Known Member
i just put a hole in the bottom, and a lot of watter has dripped out :-?. I used to water it about half a cup everyday. I dont have a cover for the container except for a mesh screen i put on top of it before to keep out any bugs. Should I transfer it in to a pot? What's the easiest way to move it?


Well-Known Member
yeah id say its clearly overwatered. put some more holes in the bottom. dont water it every day or even every other day. oncve every four to seven days will be just fine. remember that MJ naturally grows in pretty dry places. so make sure the soil isnt wet. the soil will feel dry when you touch it but this is acually good since the roots need to become stronger and more developed. if they are moist about two inches deep your good. remove the mesh screen or whatever since it isnt going to do anything for microorganisms anyways, maybe bugs. probably just blocking a percentage of the light. what kind of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
just a light i found in my house. Can my plant survive through this if I water it less, can it make a come back?


Well-Known Member
yeah it will survive so long a you dont keep overwatering it. im not sure what light you are using but not ALL lights work. use a cfl or flouro if you can. unless your going HID thats all you can do. but let it dry out a little bit. water it in a week.