Plant holder uper thinger mabob devices help?

I have noticed that at my local plant store they have long "bamboo" sticks you can use to tie your plant too so it doesn't fall over.

I have also seen nets and other ways of holding your plant up, there are even people who just let them grow freely.

Does this help the plant grow if you help support it? or would it make the plant stem weak?


New Member
The bamboo stints are usually used towards the end of flowering (to hold up heavy buds and help the stems from breaking under the weight)


If you use them BEFORE THEN, I would say it is possible to develop weak stems.

Have a great night man
That would work too So what if you have a fan in your room? When i first started i noticed my plants would fall over thought it was just cause the leaves where heavy and I put pop-sickle sticks to help keep them up but then noticed the fan was the problem so i took it out. now i know you need air circulation in your room and i keep having that problem of them falling over again when i put the fan back in. Did i damage my plants by not letting them get that air blown on them to help stem growth?:wall:


New Member
ok, A couple of things....

-If your little baby seedlings are falling over you may need to keep the light closer so the stem does not stretch as much. Having a popsicle stick to hold up new seedlings is fine, but when it is strong enough to stay up on its own, BY ALL MEANS, let it be on its own and get some air blowing on it.

-You can always bury most of the stem when you transplant to a bigger pot.

-Yes, you do need good air circulation for your plants....That being said, if it is too strong of a fan, you may need to down grade. A small computer fan is perfect for a single plant in it's beginning stages.

-You didn't damage them, it's cool man...But yeah, I would keep a fan in your room blowing over the canopy...and if you are using cfls, I would recommend having the fan blow air through the canopy as well as through the bulbs to keep the heat down.

Just my 2 cents....

Have a great night man!


Active Member
uper is spelled "upper". And its called a whatchamakallit. Dig the name of your thread though. and i use bamboo in late flower. just jam em in there, youll here roots poppin and shit, its fine, just sounds horrific.


Well-Known Member
uper is spelled "upper". And its called a whatchamakallit. Dig the name of your thread though. and i use bamboo in late flower. just jam em in there, youll here roots poppin and shit, its fine, just sounds horrific.

it sounds horrific because it is, why would you want to break and rip roots ..