Plant Help Please (WK 3 Flower)


Hi Folks,

Anyone have any idea of the issues I may be experiencing. This is my first grow and I understand there can be a large number of reasons for different issues. I am currently growing 3 bergmans gold leaf in 5 gallon DWC buckets. Each has one airstone and I use 3 gallons of nute solution. 12ml calmag/8ml micro/16ml bloom/6ml hydroguard. pH is normally 5.5-5.8 with fresh buckets. 20210407_124634_resized.jpg



Well-Known Member
Rust mold on 1st two, I'm pretty sure......let me look some more......,f'ing beautiful're 1st grow ? F'ing a ! .......impressive......,,,the third plant; looks like c hlorosis, I think.......chlorophyll deficiency............maybe pH....also on this pale green plant with a great body , it "looks like" something was splattered all over it.....could be....or bugs , wounds , some disease, munchies, looks like from picture small spots all over, some white, some light amber.........all the way to right center of pic it " looks like Little brown bugs, aphids....,,.....tough to tell from here, I'll be right over and have a look.


Thanks guys, yeah I was having trouble figuring out whether i burned some of them or whether it was calmag. Hate dealing with large pH swings in these bubblers. Next run RDWC. Also its all indoor and i havent seen any pests. Maybe ill do some spring cleaning :D