plant growing too slowly

i <3 buds

New Member
btw it's a regular seed so i cant tell if its male or female yet, when do you guys think i should start adding nutes?


Well-Known Member
Not until the cotyledons disappear and even then you only need a small amount but be careful if the soil already has added ferts.


Well-Known Member
2 things.
1) This is most important. roots are taking over the pot. so since you used a bigger than normal pot to start with roots will grow fisrt. dont worry it will make up the ground.
2) wtf you have that much stretch tells me you have like 0 lights. they might be somewhere but not over the plant.
so wait and get lights more closer more intense to the plant.


U really cant tell till further down the line
and adding nutes depends on wat soil ur using now
i use ffof and dont add anything for about a month

i <3 buds

New Member
Ok I'll keep that in mind thanku <3 and I Don't really have any dealers who sell good weed so I normally pay 350 NZ dollars for an ounce

i <3 buds

New Member
IMG_0532.jpgIMG_0531.jpg its been really hot recently and i hadn't watered the plant in a day so i think this is why the leaves started turning yellow, so i gave it 150ml water do you guys think this is the right thing to do?, pls reply asap thanks a lot :)


New Member
Hey Stranger, how's your grow going?

I'm on my first grow and I'm having a similar problem, sprouted great then slowed right down, started getting brown spots and then complete leaves turned brown, the ph is normal, so I'm a bit stumped. Mines in soil and I take it outside in the day and supplement with a cfl on the night. Looking at other threads I don't think its cal mag or ph problems, I've flushed the soil as it was prefertilsed which sucks, I'm just waiting for the soil to dry out. As I live in Australia I think the soil may have got too hot?



New Member
if you plant up to the first set of leafs not the good leaf but thr round one ,i'm new so i don't know what its called but its all root if you re-plant up to those round leafs thats what i heard someone correct me if im wrong


New Member
yeah you need to wait till the plant is a month old at least before putting outside down there try that buddy and dont worry about the stretch replant in bigger planter up to lose round leafs don't give up i didnt i have had my first yield last week so keep going mate