plant growing slow v shaped and twisting and curling and yellowning

hi i have searched this web site to find anything that looks like whats going on with my ladies but i think its a combination of a few things they are over 1 month old plus two weeks and only 3 inches tall there twisting and curling and v shaped (i moved the light away already yesterday looking greener right now thats it ) i dont know what to do will try to post pics of each one ps two different strains from seeds lights 18/6 1 cfl 23 watt 6500 k plus one 18 inch floro 6500k 15 watt got one fan venting into the (box) and one inside the box pointing at plants and i dont know how to check this when it goes out either


yeea mircale grow muts for vegs i believe and and organic soil (kinda got a lot of bark in it ) and then the other half of the soil is miricale grow garden soil i waited about three weeks before i gave them any nutes and i used only half the recomended does onlly twice a week apart i then waited about a week gave them a small flush and now having problems with the leaves twisting and bottom leaves turiings so yellow there turing white but dont feel like there crispy
Ok ill deffinently look into it and possibaly try it after i find oit some pre thanx and is that for botj plants cuz the first doesn't respomd well but to light watering once a week


Well-Known Member
:cry:Are they in a 8oz cup?:lol:you may want to check the roots to see if their root bound:?MG is great for house plant but not for weed:eyesmoke:Sorry:cry:
Ok the local store lowes what would be recomeneded that could be purchesed there and the cups are at lest 16 ounce cups maybe 20 oince the twist pn the second plant is starting to fix its self now plant lopking better just a little bit of the v shaped left but still bottom leaces are white not crispy just whit and yellow no spots pr burnt edges te first plant no real difference in the older leaves but tje new look pk so far and i am only going to water untill i can fond a a resable explantion on what should be done with these plant to help them
Ok so i decided tp flush them and the first one is doing bettwr well tje new growth is really good the pld leaves haven't dpne anything but get chewed on by a little black bettle bit the secpnd one not so much new leaves cuping up its only 85 to 90 no really himidty loke twenty percent but the bottom leaves have yellow spots on them which is weird cuz there darker then the pale ass whote leaf please any help will doo