Plant Growing Slow and Small


i have a plant that is growing slow and with veryy small leaves.
its been thru a lot fell and ripped out of its roots then my lightbulb fell on it

.. and so far its survived ...

il upload pictures later.. but i just want to kno if theres anyway to help it grow bigger leaves ...PLZ HELP LUCY SURVIVE


Well-Known Member
patience is the only way, and also not ripping the roots out or burning it with the lights lol! just dont put nutes in it and dont over water, its going to grow, they are weeds!


Well-Known Member
A plant will always try to equal it's foliar canopy growth and it's root growth. When a plant loses significant root mass it will slow canopy growth and put it's energy into root production. If you feel Lucy doesn't have enough roots to feed herself, try foliar feeding to help her along. Best to look up and read about foliar feeding before doing it so you don't burn your leaves.

When it comes to root production, inoculation with beneficial microbes can help a great deal. Once your roots are healthy and robust, your canopy will follow.


thank you she has gotten bigger.but unfortunately just yesturday my friend dropped her and now i gotta start the process all over again..but thanx for the advice.i hope she'll survive another ordeal