plant fell out of pot..... NEED HELP!!


so i was moving stuff around and the shelf my pants are on fell and plants went everywhere.... i repotted them right away and buried the stem alittle deeper to give them support? What is the likely hood of them surviving? it didn't seem like there was any visible damage to the plants. Also i watered them 2 days ago and the soil they where is is still damp. Now that they are in a new medium do i water them or wait? Can someone respond ASAP please and thank you... i am like a frantic little kid over here


that is good to know thanks.... you wouldn't happen to know the chances of them surviving or what exactly to do to make sure they do, do you?


Well-Known Member
well its pretty much just a waiting game now to see how badly the roots are damaged..or if damaged at all..


Well-Known Member
if the stems arnt damaged or the roots to bad then they should be fine, give it a couple days


Thanks so much for the info tragic420.That is great to hear. that is one of the things i looked for and it wasn't damaged at all. my mind is somewhat at peace knowing they have a good chance. i got this strain right now but i'm not sure what it is... do you or anyone else know what it is just by site? IMAG0057.jpgIMAG0058.jpg
They are crazy tough plants. You should be in the clear. ive almost completly snapped a top off and braced and zip tied it and it turned out just fine. Just in flower stage u dont want to strees them too to much because its a more delicate time n easier to create problems with your ladies like hermie(ing). As for strain unsure but does look like AAA exo's.


Well-Known Member
Actually that one depends on your temps with the light off, if it gets cold youl want less airflow while the lights are off, if its in a room that stays warm then lots of airflow always helps (think co2 exchange), and your plants should be fine unless you had your shelf like 20ft up in the air these plants can take a beating


it is 80 during the day with the fan like 85 with out. lights out it is about 75 without fan and an 67-70 with the fan


i was wondering if it's ok to let the run off from watering stay in the pan the pot is in or do u have to get rid of it?