Plant falling over


my plant is falliing over it is 11 days old and 7 inches and i just moved it into a bigger pot and i put to plant down deep and filled it in with soil so it would stay up is that bad?


Active Member
Its not great to get to that point, but fine to cover up a stretched out seedling's stem with soil. Do you have any pics? I'm thinking it needs a lot more light if its already 7 inches.

Brick Top

New Member
Increase/upgrade your lighting if needed, or at least get it closer to your plant is if will not cause a heat issue. Add a fan set on low so it will make your plant sway/move. The movement of the stem will cause it to grow thicker and stronger just like wind causes trees and bushes and plants to grow thicker stronger trunks and stems and branches.


IMG00199-20110120-2238.jpg i put it down deep in the soil to make it stand up and put a support too just incase and it is about 3 inches now

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Do you have fans blowing on your seedlings geting them to build a strong stem? If you don't have moving air on them they will grow a weak stem and fall over.