plant dying please help


my plant is about 3 months old its just over 2 feet tall. I have been giving it miracle grow nutes 1 a week. 24-8-16
and I water it about 2 times a week depending on the soil. Just about a wk ago I noticed my leaves a turning into claws and somes of the leaves are curling up I dont know what the problem is. My soil is scotts potting soil.

1)pictures were taken on 8-17
2) Growing indoors
3) Water every 3 to 4 days tap water m.g. every tues
4) scotts potting soil
5) plant is just over 3 months old starting to flower I think.


i have the same problem except i didnt even get to use miracle grow yet im about to. my mine looks like that. id likesomeone to awnser this pez?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Scott's is owned by MG,so its more than likely to have slow release nutrients on top of the heavy watering schedule and nutes every week its nitrogen toxicity,or water stress I'd say a combination of both


Make sure you're not over watering... only water again when the soil on top is dry (not dry all the way through though), and when you do water make sure you wet all of the soil thoroughly (allow some to start draining out the bottom of your pot). Also you might want to check the ppm of your tap water. If you have to many dissolved salts in your water then you can start to get mineral build up on your roots, so you might want to start buying bottled water or consider buying some sort of reverse osmosis device so you can just treat your tap water.

do you check the ph on that sad little thing

This is also a good thing to check for sure. See if theses methods help at all. Keep us posted on how your girls are doing!:-P