Plant Dying - Need Help Asap


Active Member
Yesterday I noticed my plant getting blondish spotting on the new growth but now the lower leaves are dying and it looks like it's going to die soon. The stem seems to be getting soft too!! It was looking great a couple days ago and now this!! It's been outside for about a week 1/2 before that it was inside under 2x26w cfl's. Plant is about 3 1/2 weeks old. Soil is MG Moisture Control/Organic Soil/Blood Meal. PLEASE HELP!!



Active Member
Dude, calm down you only gave a half hour for people to respond! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!! Its either a nutrient deficiency or too much nutrients, hard to tell since you have the MG soil with food in it! Good luck pissy pants!


Well-Known Member
you might of over done it with the nute because the soil you are using already has nutes in it jus flush with ph'd water and see how it goes give it a few days and post pics