Plant Dr. Needed Seedling


New Member
I have recently sprouted seedlings and I just noticed that one has some yellowish starting to show. This is the only one of 6 total that is doing this so I'm a little confused. I have attached a few pictures. Also I have another one thats pretty long and don't know if that's a good thing or is it stretching? Any help on these 2 issues would be great.



Well-Known Member
looks like burning, most likely from lights too close. put your hand over the plant and if you feel heat from the light then they are too close.


Well-Known Member
Nute burnt and at this stage that's fatal. They are dead ,next time use seed starter medium, not some shit hot soil.


New Member
Buds thank you for the help. Can you take a second look at this if you get a chance? I raised the lights a little and it's looks to be doing better. I planted 6 seeds total 5 White Rhino and 1 Cheese. All of the White Rhino have sprouted into seedlings and this is the only one with any issues that I can see. The cheese ( the one I want most) has not sprouted yet and want to know if there is anything I can do to try and help it? Also as you can see the soil level is getting lower, can I add more soil to the top or will that cause issues. Thanks again and I have attached pictures.image (52).jpegimage (51).jpegimage (50).jpegimage (49).jpegimage (48).jpegimage (47).jpeg


Well-Known Member
When did you plant? Did you literally drop the seeds into soil?

Out of sheer curiosity for myself and other newb indoor growers, can you let us know exactly what soil you are in here?

On a side note, it is very difficult to get a CFL too close to cause damage... they nearly have to be touching.



Well-Known Member
I hope they make it. Get your ph right and dont overwater and maybe they will surprise you. Dont over love them. Great choice of beans. Let us know how its going.


New Member
Today is day 10. I started them out using the damp paper towel method and waited until they were 1/4 to 1/2in root before I placed them in soil. I am using Uni Gro Premium Organic potting soil with added bat guano, worm castings and permite. Also been watering with VF-11 1oz to 1 gallon. I am in the process of testing the ph right now and will post a update.


New Member

  • Update on the plants today. So I have added another light and now have 6000 lumens or 4000 psf I have turned the fans off and they seem to be liking that. Now my question is when can I turn them back on? Also I changed the way I'm watering from spraying the soil a few times a day to yesterday I gave them a good watering enough for a little runoff (also so I could test the ph) and then have let them be today and will most likely do the same tomorrow if they are light enough. I also have tried to make them all the same distance from the light about 3-4 inches. Still nothing on the disappointing cheese seed but I guess thats life. Maybe it'll come around, we'll see. Let me know if you think they look better or if there still in bad shape. The one definitely has a burn but looks like it's a fighter, and the other has a little brown on the end of a leaf but that is just part of the seed that is stuck on. Feedback is awesome!!!
