Plant Distress


Well-Known Member
Can anybody advice me as to the issue I'm having with my plants (see pics). They are grown indoors - temperatures right now are quite high in the box (hovering over 90). I've tried to open the door at night with a fan to allow cooler air to get in. I have good ventilation in the box (two outtake fans and a nice big hole for intake).

Any advice is greatly appreciated.



New Member
Can anybody advice me as to the issue I'm having with my plants (see pics). They are grown indoors - temperatures right now are quite high in the box (hovering over 90). I've tried to open the door at night with a fan to allow cooler air to get in. I have good ventilation in the box (two outtake fans and a nice big hole for intake).

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
they look fried to me tooo much heat, how close is ur light?


Well-Known Member
They're pretty close to the light. I could raise the lights a bit, but what can I do to cool off my box? It's 90 + degrees outside and my box is in my garage. It gets quite hot in there.


Active Member
Thats more than 1 plant in there? thats bad voodoo too but still too early to matter probably.

My plant is grown over 90° every day. What you should do to help is get a fan blowing on the plant directly seemed to help my plant quite a bit.

here is a pic of mine.



Well-Known Member
I added miracle grow - I think it might be nute burn. I took them outside today and I think they might be coming back to normal. Plus, I'm leaving the door open with a BIG ass fan blowing.


Well-Known Member
:fire:i a 400 watt hid user. had same prob but i did not get heat damage till 95. i had fans on 24/7. i just got a euro inline cooling tube from htgsupply and i have lowered it with a 30 dollar duct fan to 86 - 86F.
with heat stress to my plant tye recovered after a night in the dark and raising the lights. :sleep: i have herd 24 hour s of darkness will also help plants recover. use the finger trick for soil i herd. i a hydro guy so i cahnge reservoir a tfirst sight of truble but i hear if yu stick yur finger down to the knuckle in dirt and its dry its time to water. hope this helps!;-)


Active Member
deff from the heat i just went hru this with my 1st grow i bou a 400watt hps and had a 3x3x4 setup in the attic where it hit upto 110F during the day i dident have a temp gauge couldent even beat the heat with a AC unit so i moved the grow and used CFLs and got 75-89F and there lovin it 10x better then the hps i just couldent beat the heat so i switched lights BTW what kind of light are u useing ?


Well-Known Member
I'm using CFLs, but I have 12 in a very small box - 24x20 but 8 feet tall. One day out of the box with a thorough soaking and they seem to be OK. I think it was a combination of nute and heat burn - that is, to much miracle grow with not enough water. The heat made the situation worse. I'm seeing new growth that is nice and green looking (healthy). I think I'm out of the woods.


Well-Known Member
I have a very small box, so I had a choice of 6 plants in 6 1 gallon containers or 6 plants in two 5 gallon containers (3 plants in each). It's the first time I've done this, but I went for the 3 in each 5 gallon container. My logic is that there's more root space in the 5 gallon than the 1 even with 3 plants in it.

Definitely not preferred, but I had to make some sacrifice. Let's hear the negative feedback.


Active Member
any nutes added or in the soil?

This is the problem right here. Nute burn. Look at that deep green color & burnt tips. I'd flush and stop using that Miracle Gro crap. Get the pH back in line (6.2-6.8 ) by using this:

Espoma Natural Gardening Solutions

When 2 nodes of new growth come in, it will be pale green and you can then use this stuff:


Start with 1/2 tsp dissolved in 1 quart of very hot water. Let it cool before pouring. Do this every 3rd watering. Leaves will get deep green very gradually, which means you need to back off. Let the new growth grow out pale green before picking the nutes back up. YOu can do this throughout veg and trust me, those plants love this food.

Good luck! :bigjoint: