Plant died overnight!! Help me please before it gets the rest of them


Well-Known Member
Hi, are u growing from clones? its hard to tell from a pic so can be a number of reasons. First thing I would say is don't over water them (very bad)...only water when top inch is dry & enough to flood the medium a little bit. Actually the main reason for fungus gnats is overwatering! check if there's any tiny bugs on the leaves&soil - if there is try to get those sticky yellow insect cards (gnats love yellow) to catch the ones already there, use a fan to stop the invaders from getting comfy & leave the plant dry for a few days because gnats love to party in wet soil. Hopefully its not rootrot due to bad soil cause otherwise its more serious. In any case make sure your pH levels are between 6 & 7 for soil. Remember also that weed is weed, pretty tough ladies :lol:


Well-Known Member
That was not caused by fungus gnats. Wish I could tell you what did that but I don't know. Looks pretty serious so I would isolate the plant until you figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i dont think it was gnats either, but that is very odd looking. is there anything you have done to it recently that may have caused this?
I do not understand how a plant can die overnight, I mean death in a plant is a process, it would not die instantly just overnight.

Looks like it's over watered to me. Did you stick it in a washing machine or somethin. lol


Well-Known Member
Is it indoor or outdoor?? No insect will do that damage overnight enless you have had something attack your roots verybad like nematodes, looks like some kind of environmental damage to me either that or it had a disease


Well-Known Member
I don't see any perlite in your medium???...just an aside since aeration and booty is always running through my mind. In regards to the casualty, put that hoe in quarantine until you figure out the problem. Even if it was neglect on your part, most ladies would get bent outta shape under those circumstances. Regardless, no sense is losing all of them...and even if you do, you will gain the knowledge you'll need to succeed next time around. Mistakes are you respond will determine the outcome.

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
Roots have been killed I bet. Take the plant out and slowly remove dirt and check roots. Did not mix a wrong chemical or to much did you? Also is the bottom of dirt more like mud?


Active Member
I know its wet now,but did it by any chance dry out?
Those top leaves look like they have been close to heat,and plants tend to go all floppy when severely dehydrated.
You need a closer pic of the actual plant,for anyone to properly tell you.


Active Member
Roots have been killed I bet. Take the plant out and slowly remove dirt and check roots. Did not mix a wrong chemical or to much did you? Also is the bottom of dirt more like mud?
Maybe someone at the grow shop swapped some ph up for vegging nutes lol
I have never seen a plant fuck up that quick,without something drastic happening to it.


Active Member
Tobacco mosaic virus possibly, I dont really think so though. Certainly does look infected by something though, hows the main stalk look any noticeable color change or infection sites/openings