Plans to grow


Well basically, I'm a relatively new grower and I need the advice of some experienced outdoor growers here in the community.

I have a good friend in Belgium who is willing to sell me 20 feminized Blue Cheese seeds for $80 USD which he gets through a botanist from a university in Antwerp, Belgium. I have thought about getting a hydroponic setup considering this will most likely turn out to be some potent bud (sorry, I have yet to personally smoke it and have only heard rumors), but I'm a poor bastard and can't afford much, which explains why I'm considering growing this bud outdoors and letting nature take it's course!

My questions are,

1. Would it be advisable to plant all 20 of these? My plot is a relatively remote location in a backcountry-esque/farm location in Florida that no one comes around, so the chances of my plants being discovered are slim to none. The climate around here is usually warm and humid most of the time and never falls below 70 degrees fahrenheit/21 degrees celcius.

2. How large do these plants generally grow on average? (height/width estimates please)

3. How long does it generally take for the plants to be "fully grown," also, how much on average is the yield from the harvest?

4. For those of you who have smoked it, how is it?

5. I'm not a new dealer but I plan on using some of the harvest to sell to gain some profit, what are the prices the run in your location? Should I price these a bit high considering it is a rare strain around my area?

If you have any advice to give me or questions you'd like to ask me, please feel free to post! I need all of the help I can get to ensure this growing operation is successful.

Thanks guys


Active Member
#1 if u know it is a safe spot then yes i would plant them all for max harvest if not maybe pick 2 differnt spots away from each other..#2it all really depends on the growing condition they could get 6 ft tall or they cold only be 1 ft tall ..#3 it will take 4 to 5 months u will want to plant around may and u will harvest late sept into oct.. #4 i have not grown this strain so i cant tell you all this is just based on what i know .#5 dont plan on selling it just yet you have to get threw the grow first .. this is just my 2 cents take it how u please.


#1 if u know it is a safe spot then yes i would plant them all for max harvest if not maybe pick 2 differnt spots away from each other..#2it all really depends on the growing condition they could get 6 ft tall or they cold only be 1 ft tall ..#3 it will take 4 to 5 months u will want to plant around may and u will harvest late sept into oct.. #4 i have not grown this strain so i cant tell you all this is just based on what i know .#5 dont plan on selling it just yet you have to get threw the grow first .. this is just my 2 cents take it how u please.
Thanks for the reply bro, I'll be sure to keep all of that in mind.

As far as your answer to question #3, I heard from a lot that the growing process for these plants in particular usually only takes maybe around 1-3 months to become fully grown. I may be wrong, but that's just what I've heard.


Active Member
well the flowering cycle is gonna take atleast 7 to 8 weeks and then it depends on how long your going to veg it if only for a month then your going to have small plants so its going to take atleast 3 months ... may i ask what state u are in ? plants will not stat to flower outside till late july into august ..


well the flowering cycle is gonna take atleast 7 to 8 weeks and then it depends on how long your going to veg it if only for a month then your going to have small plants so its going to take atleast 3 months ... may i ask what state u are in ? plants will not stat to flower outside till late july into august ..
I'm in Florida, if you read my question #1, I mentioned my plot and location.


Active Member
I'm in Florida, if you read my question #1, I mentioned my plot and location.
haha my bad im blazed right now but ya your looking at a 4 month project here trust me it will be worth it . being in florida i would throw them out in aprill and come sept if u give them lots of care u will have some monster plants .. if your looking for a quick harvest check out some autoflowering strain that dont yeild much but they go from seed to harvest in around 60 days.. im throwing some out this year just for an early harvest.. let me know if you have any more qestions i use to live in sw florida..


haha my bad im blazed right now but ya your looking at a 4 month project here trust me it will be worth it . being in florida i would throw them out in aprill and come sept if u give them lots of care u will have some monster plants .. if your looking for a quick harvest check out some autoflowering strain that dont yeild much but they go from seed to harvest in around 60 days.. im throwing some out this year just for an early harvest.. let me know if you have any more qestions i use to live in sw florida..
Haha it's straight man, but that's cool I have no problem with the wait.

I'll be sure to hit you up if I have any more questions, I was hoping to get somebody who has actually grown this strain just because personal experiences seem to work better when it comes to giving advice.


Active Member
im just throwing in my 2 cents here but i hydro setup really isnt too expenisive. you could look at somthing like
couple of good cfls and bam.
saves you time and keeps um safe. super easy to grow. i had 2 outdoor plants stolen and they were in my backyard!
just an option. ive seen those systems do wonders
check that thread out. its a good look at what they can do


Active Member
right on bro u might wanna check out the seed and strain reveiw section .. really its all about knowledge on growing not on the strain a person that knows his stuff can grow anything ..