Plans for the future


Active Member
Hello everyone,
It's nice to see so many people on so many different forums all dedicated to the art of growing :bigjoint:. I am currently involved in my first time right now using a closet and am in the 4th week of flowering under 2 250w hps and an ebb and flow 3x3 table.

I have made plans for the future and have been gathering ideas from many different forums and have come to a basic idea of what I want to do.

I want something similar to, but not identical to, Al B. Fuct's setup, where he gets a harvest every 2 weeks. My setup will need to be able to be taken down within 24 hours notice if a landlord were to be coming.

I've decided to get 4 4'x4' grow tents from one of the distributors. Do you guys think 400w of hps lighting per tent is sufficient? What about temperature control? What would you guys recommend to use as a fan?


fat sam

Well-Known Member
400 is the bare minimum for a 4x4 a 600 will be sooooo much better, a 600 is like 32 watts per sq foot i think so a 400 will struggle, for the heat just use inline fans and air cooled lights and just make sure to vent the tents outside the room they are in otherwise the 4-600's will cause some heat issues


Active Member
Now for a 4x4 space i will have to agree with fat sam. Your most efficent setup would be running a 600 hps in each tent. If your space was a 3x3 a 400 would work, but a 600 will always be better. More light the better.

You will see faster growth and more yield with a 600 hps then a 400.

Good luck on your grow and keep us updated