Plans for outdoor grow


Active Member
I was planning on growing a few plants in all different spots, because the spots i have are not big but enough for a few at a time.

I am doing a bagseed grow, because i can't order seeds offline and i want to see how potent i can get my bagseed.

Also this is my first grow so I may need some help along they way.

Anyways i am just posting this to get a few tips ahead of time and to know what to be ready for later on.

A few of my questions are:
1) Can i plant while it's cold outside but almost warm or will my plants not make it?

2) Is it possible to have some plants not be taken care of if they are by a water source that waters them automatically? Or will they just die?

3) What are some things i might need for the grow. I was planning on putting them into the ground and going all organic because i don't really have any plant pots.

Please don't flame me for anything i might have said that's wrong or something like that, i am just posting this thread to have help along the way through my grow.

All comments & tips are welcome, Please.



Bag Seed can Work you just don't want there to be any Males in your crop or you'll have more seeds then you'll know what to do with ..... And no Bud !! LOL
So my advice is get a little flourecent light and germinate at home and transplant them 1st of june !!!!
If there not all female plants then watch closely for the sex if its Male then rip er out !!!
Pots are really cheap !!
But use a good soil and some Blood meal for fertilizer .....
Oh and too close to Water it'll Rot the roots and they'll die and if not enough water then done too !!!
Where Long Grass Grows is a good indicater !!!


Active Member
If i put outside in june won't the plant flower early and not be as big as it could be?
Also one question is there any home remedies to get rid of bugs eating the cotelydons of baby plants?
If i put outside in june won't the plant flower early and not be as big as it could be?
Also one question is there any home remedies to get rid of bugs eating the cotelydons of baby plants?
No the sun doesnt move around the earth faster because you put them in the ground early lol. If you want to do outdoor and just fuck it let it grow attitude. I would still germinate and make sure you have all females first ONE male and your FUCKED! then if you want them to be shorter then wait till july fourth weekend ( i always do and get five footers ten ft fence it makes sense lol) if you plant them in june they will be HUGE and have a chance of someone finding them and no more plants.:cry:


Active Member
how am i going to germ them early, won't i have to plant them then, i thought you couldn't keep a plat with the taproot out of the seed?