planning on 3x 200wsolarflare leds. help

toze you

Hey i'm new to these forums and was hoping to get some advice from some experts, This is my first grow and i decided to do a led cabinet design as it would be stealth enough for my needs. I have a $3000 budget maybe a bit more if needed. I was planning on 3 200w solarflares in flowering chamber(12/12) and have room for mother/ clone space. Should i grow in soil or hydro? i really want some solid buds (ill change brand if anyone can suggest a better one) in a cab 1.5depth x 4.1length x 6.2height airtight (gotta figure out how to seal door but shouldn't be to hard) laced with mylar.

Im not too sure how much heat the 40x 5w leds give off (i hope its enough to keep plants warm, It may need sum sort of heating/extra light. its in a double garage under our house) so not sure about cooling i want something quiet that i can run with temp fan controller with carbon filter not sure what size yet.
also is it a good idea to put temp controller on light incase the exhaust fan shits out? do humidifiers help much? and maybe a computer fan inside the cab to blow the fresh air around? ill try DIY some light traps also.

I plan on having a space for 1-2 mothers.I'm not sure what lighting yet.. and cloning space not sure what lighting yet..
I plan to put as many new clones as i can fit in the flowering chamber every week and grow smaller plants in SoG so i get better light coverage for the leds and a desent harvest every week, i want to have a built in drying space on the intake (is this a good idea)? (is it better to grow them with one big stem and no side branches)?

I'm not to sure about nutrients and stuff yet but will do some research (i'm thinking Budzilla and root blast looks good maybe)?, also hoping to eventually add a some sort of a pump feeding system on a timer premixed with nutrients? and eventually co2.
Have any idea how much i should yeild from this setup without co2. i'm open to any ideas and thank you very much in advance Toze You.

Ps:Once i get it up and running i'm keen to do a grow journal so you guys can watch me fail haha.


Well-Known Member
Definately hydro. Ebb n flow is simple once set up. I think a hydrogarden dual-flow or similar would fit perfectly in that space.

toze you

sweet that looks good. what method would i use for this unit? scrog? also how often do i check the ph level?


Well-Known Member
Definately scrog. Check pH on days 1,2,4 and 6 (I use Hydroton and tapwater and it seems to take a couple of days for pH to settle between res changes). Change res every 8 days or so. Saying that, I am going on to Canna nutes for the next grow which is supposed to be more pH stable. I started using them half way through flower on my last grow and probably only needed to check on days 1,2 and 4.
Check the size of the hydrogarden table. It's 480mm wide. Will that fit?
I love mine, maintenance is minimal. They come with everything apart from substrate ready to go. The only warning I would give is to clean the pump out once a month, which i assume is the same for all hydro pumps. It seized up once due to calcium deposits. However, instead of stripping mine, I run it in a glass of white vinegar for 10 mins then flush it in a glass of water. I only strip it between grows and even then it is clean since using the vinegar trick.
Another plus to them is that when it comes to emptying the system, just get 2 foot of garden hose, attach it to the pump and empty into a bucket.
It really is not only better than soil (much faster growth, less pests etc) but easier too (water once a week, albeit 4 buckets full, ph test 3 times a week, 5 minute job) and cheaper/stealthier and more environmetally friendly in the long run. Bleach and flush the hydroton in the bath between crops, chuck it back in and ready to go. Plus, if you need to, you can leave it for a few days unattended.

toze you

thanks for the unput, they sound fairly straight forward to use. size shouldn't be to much of an issue as i can get a cab custom made. also how many plants would i put under these lights in this space?
also considering painting inside of cab flat white as its easier to clean(is this a good idea)? also not sure what size carbon filter to get as it has to be 100% stealth.

i was also wondering how to keep the res at a good temp and what the cab temp should be?


Well-Known Member
3 plants (depending upon strain)
Good idea on the white paint.
Carbon filter size depends upon extractor fan. Bigger is not better. The fan has to match the cfm of the filter.
AIr temp around 76 in lights on, 66 lights off.
Res temp around 65 if possible.

toze you

sweet. i should proberly go for some self flowering seeds and run the full cycle to start with right. how much should i yeild off three plants if i do a good grow?