Planning my first grow (Aeroponics)


New Member
So I'm planning a grow of about 4 plants and I intend to use a rubbermaid tote. The piping system will be PVC and will have the water pump in the bottom to serve as a reservoir / late DWC system as the roots mature. The idea is to get about 2 holes per side and in the middle with 360 degree angle sprays. I'm not sure on the nutrient / fert yet. I wanna go organic but if that doesn't seem like a good idea i guess i would go with others, however im not sure which hydro ferts are the best. My lighting will consist of many 80w cfls half veg half bloom, they will be place surrounding all plants and as they get larger I will create white tubes giving the lights from above the canopy to disperse the light below to maintain balance. I'm also going to attempt to train the branches to grow for the most surface area to obtain the most efficient lighting.

How well would this work for 4 plants or should i go with a double tote setup?
For the last year I have been using BMO nutrients. Blue Mountain Organics can be found on ebay. Not bad priced and they work. I use 2/3 strength and add about a cap full everyday. I use a ppm meter to monitor the nutrient level between 225 to 250 ppm. My pump is 1000gph. No Clogs in one year. I change out my tank every month. My water is well water. Those plants really like fresh water. You can see my set up at my blog, it is home made.:hump: