Planning first grow - Desperatley need advice.


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I have decided to grow for the first time ever and am naturally very excited but after reading through these forums I have still not managed to find an answer to my main question, so here goes.

I live with a friend of mine and we are hoping to set up a small enclosure inside a closet to grow -

That strain^, we intend to let it germinate and grow inside for a couple of weeks on a 18/6 light ratio and then move it outside when it is nearly finished growing to take advantage of the U.K's summer 12/12 light.

However Im an IDIOT when it comes to lighting and wiring and I have NO idea how to set up a High pressure sodium bulb...

Ideally I want to get a bedside table lamp with a fitting that allows the HPS bulb to fit into it but I couldn't find such a thing and then the site I was going to buy the Bulb off informed me the bulb needed a ballast inside the fixture which confused me even more..

I would be eternally grateful if someone could explain how I should go about setting up a decent growlamp without having to do any wiring, in layman's terms, please because I am very uninformed when it comes to the lighting aspect..

I live in the U.K so I can't nip down to Wall-Mart unfortunatley.. =(

Thanks Alot!


Active Member
Thank's Mr west =)

Great site but It seems I will have to spend 70 quid just to get a lamp up and running?

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah but that 70 quid could grow u hundreds of quids worth of primo weed itll pay for itself many times over. Well worth the small investment IMO

mr west

Well-Known Member
your very welcome dude. At the end of the day its the price of half an oz to set yaself up. You can add to the set up as u go along if u need to.