Planning a sealed tent

I have a 5x5 tent that I want to use as sealed environment with co2. I plan on using about 1000watts in the tent and I know if I'm not venting any air out the inside temp is going to get too hot. What would be the best way to keep the temperature down and still keep the tent a sealed environment ? Also one more note is that I'm planning on using 1000 watts of led lights(actual watts) so an inline hood isn't an option for the led set up
The tent will leak co2 but you can still use it if you want, just gonna run through it quickly. But with co2 in the tent and temps sitting around 80-85 (could be more or less depending on strain) you could be fine. Just have a few fans going to keep air moving. I would secure yourself a dehumidifier as well.
The tent will leak co2 but you can still use it if you want, just gonna run through it quickly. But with co2 in the tent and temps sitting around 80-85 (could be more or less depending on strain) you could be fine. Just have a few fans going to keep air moving. I would secure yourself a dehumidifier as well.
You don't think the temps will raise to high using 1000 watts of led? I've never used leds but without some sort of cooling I think it's going to exceed max temps.
I think getting something to cool a led would be a swell idea, but if you use something along the lines of a portable AC you would probably lose your "sealed tent".
You don't think the temps will raise to high using 1000 watts of led? I've never used leds but without some sort of cooling I think it's going to exceed max temps.

Oh yeah it is I am running a 300watt (actual) LED and a couple of CFLS in a 3x4x4 and it's almost 90 in there with lights on... my ambient temp outside is 60s at tat time... so you can see that it is hot... and like you i am letting my led vent into my tent (I needed the temp boost). CO2 needs wam temps (~90s) but that may get too hot.

I suggest you test the set up... lights in tent sealed... let it run for a few hours or a day, and measure temps... figure once you have your medium and plants in there, you'll be warming less air and temps will go up another 5-10 degress... then see what you've got.

As to keeping it cool... they make tiny acs, or a swamp cooler... maybe some sort of other home made system using dry ice (it's co2 anyway ;-))?

Run the test, then look or what you may need to lower the temp 10-20-30... whatever your needs are...
I think getting something to cool a led would be a swell idea, but if you use something along the lines of a portable AC you would probably lose your "sealed tent".
Yeh that's the problem i don't want to lose any moRe air leaks then i have to .I can even use a small room and keep it sealed but I don't know what the best option would be for cooling the air down without losing the sealed environment. Cause most Acs vent out hot air as well as bring in cooler air and I don't want to vent out any air.
Oh yeah it is I am running a 300watt (actual) LED and a couple of CFLS in a 3x4x4 and it's almost 90 in there with lights on... my ambient temp outside is 60s at tat time... so you can see that it is hot... and like you i am letting my led vent into my tent (I needed the temp boost). CO2 needs wam temps (~90s) but that may get too hot.

I suggest you test the set up... lights in tent sealed... let it run for a few hours or a day, and measure temps... figure once you have your medium and plants in there, you'll be warming less air and temps will go up another 5-10 degress... then see what you've got.

As to keeping it cool... they make tiny acs, or a swamp cooler... maybe some sort of other home made system using dry ice (it's co2 anyway ;-))?

Run the test, then look or what you may need to lower the temp 10-20-30... whatever your needs are...
And thanks I knew leds heat up more then people think. I will definetly have a test set up before I start just to make sure the temp is in the proper zone
Yeh that's the problem i don't want to lose any moRe air leaks then i have to .I can even use a small room and keep it sealed but I don't know what the best option would be for cooling the air down without losing the sealed environment. Cause most Acs vent out hot air as well as bring in cooler air and I don't want to vent out any air.

I think using a separate area to cool the air being brought in will work just fine.
I like this ^^ You could make a lung room. I would still think that having a portable AC in a lung room would still suck out some co2.
I like this ^^ You could make a lung room. I would still think that having a portable AC in a lung room would still suck out some co2.

Well if you were using hoods you could cool down the lights and exhaust without losing anything if you sealed it up good. I don't know about those small portable AC's though.
Yeah I know.......but if you made a hood and a DIY led :P anyways that's a project as well.

Fair enough, he just never mentioned building a light, I don't think... so :-P:-P

And I assume he'd seal the LED some how, to end up without losing his air (CO2)? Like those HID lights in the glass tubes... ugh you know what I mean?

I think a portable ac cooler would work out better, value wise... though I do like that custom light idea (at least the one I have in my head)...

The lung room sounds bad.... not only because you have to cool a whole room to cool your tent, but because A) You are still then filling that whole room with CO2, losing some from the ppm count until the whole room gets to those levels...and B) YOU ARE FILLING A ROOM WITH CO2... if you spend any extended period of time in that room, at the co2 levels you'd prob wan to run, you'd be lucky to just pass out.
I've been racking my brain over this and i might consider trying to build basically a vented hood for all my lights see if it's a do able thing without getting to complicated cause my motto in life is the simpilar the better
You could build a light box with a plexiglass cover... basically separating your light's air from the rest of the grow... but in my mind, you'd also need a cabinet for it to go on top of, not a tent...

More complex... hehe simple is just to lower the watts
Plenty of moving air, big cfm inline, foliar them with coc. Water if temps get high. I find foliars kool down my plants a bit but it CANNOT be done during full lights on imho.
Yeah im outa my fuckin mind.....backing away slowly.........
Im huntun wabbits ya know. Sorry op. Ill leave now.