Planning a rendezvous with Mescalito


Well-Known Member
I know this is an organic natural substance but is three dried buttons about right for a medium strength trip?
Dose is probably more weight/experience than number of buttons.. Oh and size of buttons may be in the equation
Well don't fall off the Magic Carpet as you are flying arond the world....take some warm clothes.....last time l indulged, (Summer Jam 1973 , 600,000 peple) I flew over North Pole and froze my ass off.......yikes, now that was a f'ing trip. So,so real.
If you get nauseous and start vomiting, it's alright. This is a very common "side effect". Haven't had mescaline trip in decades, and I won't do it again. But I also don't want to miss them.
Have a good journey and be safe!
Thanks. It's just what I have available. I haven't tried this before but when I was young I did loads of acid and MDA and shrooms.
You'll be fine if you have some experience and are not afraid to lose your ego. Mescaline is a great entheogen!
It's a little bit like shrooms, you have to "digest" it first before you can start enjoying.
Good travels!
I never have, but it lingers constantly in the back of my mind because I enjoyed reading a lot of castaneda. Please do let us know how it goes!
Haha! Journey to Ixtlan! I have that book still.
On my honeymoon we were on a road trip through Mexico and I saw that we were to pass near a place called Ixtlan de los Hervores. (There are two villages called Ixtlan) so ... decided to see it it might be the same as described. Castañeda described a witch who lived in a house at the beginning of the town, and her house, in some detail.
Driving toward Ixtlan we gave a ride to this old lady who invited us to lunch at her home ... on the outskirts of Ixtlan. I could not help but notice that it had features described in the book. However, my wife said we should not ask if she was a bruja, because she'd get very upset!
Did you eat the buttons? My favorite book by him was the power of silence, just finished rereading it a week or two ago.
I remember in the first book conversations with don juan he eats about 20 buttons, but it seems don juan would put him through a lot of ordeals and tested him a lot that probably is an irregularly large dose he took. Or claims to have taken.
I don't really believe an awful lot of what he wrote, now. I've been with the Tarahumaras and they have a kind of creationist religion that seems part original paganism and astrolgy, part Catholicism. I did go to a shamanic wedding which was cool. I did not go into the smoke tent. There were people staggering out again and vomiting. The police came to ask what the fuck we were doing but on hearing it was an indigenous ceremony, buggered off again.
At the time the first book came out, I sucked it up. 20 buttons would be like an Owsley pill, 400 mikes of acid, which was my first experience (I tripped for 14 hours, experienced no-time, and saw aliens walking amongst us.)
I still need 4 more plants. I've got seed from mine so intend growing them.
I never have, but it lingers constantly in the back of my mind because I enjoyed reading a lot of castaneda. Please do let us know how it goes!
Oh, Carlos Castenada.........quite the series......he was quite the dude when I was in college...1971.......what a rush back then...." A Separate Reality" and " Journey to Ixtlan" stood out to me........good stuff dude!
I like the power of silence because don juan tells the most stories about his benefactor Julian and Julian's benefactor Elias in it, and they're good stories, the story about "Tulio" is absolutely hilarious.
Its definitely hard to just straight up believe those books but they're certainly entertaining, I want Pixar to make them into movies, if I ever get filthy stinking rich I'll try to make that happen.
Its definitely hard to just straight up believe those books but they're certainly entertaining, I want Pixar to make them into movies, if I ever get filthy stinking rich I'll try to make that happen.
I think there is a lot of strange shit out there ( from what I've seen),sounds like you have an open mind also. In the perfect head, the right drug, who knows what ya may experience or witness. Then again maybe it's just our personal construct of the universe. Entertaining for f'ing sure!
Its definitely hard to just straight up believe those books but they're certainly entertaining, I want Pixar to make them into movies, if I ever get filthy stinking rich I'll try to make that happen.

There is a book written by costeneda girlfriend slash companion.

If you want another angle on Don Juan, read that book.