Planning A huge Outdoor Grow For 09

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not buying the "Rule" that big ass pits has to be dug for good/wonderful plants. This rule does apply, but not for all natural soil. Clay & Sand mixture is what some people call cement. A clay base, yes. Other than that, I'm not buying that Hog-that has feathers. At a minimum, Roberts statement, the size of the root ball, is good enough. It depends on your soil. With a few weapons, which was not available 20 years back, you can do 2 of two things. Strengthen, feed the rooting system, and soften the soil with store bought microbial liquids, IE; super thrive, seaweed, emulsion, Hasta Grow, etc. Watering just outside the rooting system will cause the roots to seek moisture, causing better root expansion. They call it "Training your roots". Go Robert. Reps.

even with the soil i have here in the coastal bend mostly gray clay my plants took off once they got there feet into the ground i would amend the soil just by going twice the size of the ball and mixing the potting soil with the dirt removed from the hole my girls just explode with groth!!!


Active Member
I wouldn't worry so much about how much you'll roughly produce. Just grow them to the best of your ability and it will pay off in the end. I usually only get a couple O's per plant but I also don't start them till may 24. If you start them indoors and give them a good start before they go outdoors you should get much better yields. I have a pic from a high times magazine of this outdoor plant in australia that ended up being 7 pounds 6 ounces so you never know what you'll end up with.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Oh Yeah. It's not a good thing, but I don't back up, bend, nor fold. Some calls that a lack of good sense, others call that wading into the Valley. Ass deep in shit. The rule of thumb is, it is not really an adventure unless life or serious physical harm is involved. Don't step off the porch with the big dogs unless you are willing to risk life & liberty. Not you Robert, personally, but readers. As a rule of thumb. Stay indoors with the Puppies, not forsaking responsibility's for Dependants. Let others win or lose the dream. I can do time.

back at ya sotex its the treads from you and fdd2blk that helped me be a better grower less sometimes is better


Active Member
Well Most of the Outdoor Stuff Here is Poorly Taken care off and Its Leafy as fuck like its been Left for a Couple months So IM hopin I can Outclass my Compotiton And Make some Killer Outdoor Pot In A good Quantity too thanks for all the help guys


Well-Known Member
ok please don't try and grow in them bio degradable pots the cause root rot way to fast and i just dig big fuckin hole fill it with awsome dirt and water and feed once a week exept the dry season then i water 3 times a week and feed once but white rhino is killer shit but it doesn't grow very well outside i find but your experience with it might be different 40 plats if you take care of them youll probably get 30 pounds and at $2000 a pound times 30 plants you got $60,000 dollars in your pocket so hope it turns out good for you


Well-Known Member
ok please don't try and grow in them bio degradable pots the cause root rot way to fast and i just dig big fuckin hole fill it with awsome dirt and water and feed once a week exept the dry season then i water 3 times a week and feed once but white rhino is killer shit but it doesn't grow very well outside i find but your experience with it might be different 40 plats if you take care of them youll probably get 30 pounds and at $2000 a pound times 30 plants you got $60,000 dollars in your pocket so hope it turns out good for you
ya man i got more than a pound of a single outdoor plant that was planted in late may and harvested at the end of september. loved that plant soo much.


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there agree with the "plant it and forget it" method?.... After all it is a weed.
i just know that it was a medical seed because a friend of mine was going to give it to her father who grows for himself medically and i think it was trainwreck. not 100% on that. and i was thinking that i would plant and forget it a few seeds this summer and see what happens :P


Well-Known Member
Plant it and forget it prolly a good method if you have "1" seed, anything more than that and I wouldn't forget it, the possiblity of getting a male is very high, especially while neglecting your plants, if you want to grow the doppest dope in your neighborhood thats def not the way to do it.

BC~ have you though of starting a mother plant and maybe taking some clones off her before you start this outdoor grow, this is what I am doing this year with some BC Big Bud and Northern Lights, at least this way I know I have 20 females ready for the ground come April. grab some CFLs and start 1 or 2 of those White Rhino's dude, lol. Peace.