plain and simple. i need help

Okay guys, so this is my third grow. My first one was okay second failed and now im hear. I still consider myself a nube but i know a decent amount about growing. But on to the main subject.

I started out with 34 plants and 3 patchs.
Patch a, b, and c.
Patch a had 17 plants
B had 15. And c had 2
Patch c got dug up by god knows what 3 days after going in the ground and the roots got demolished killing both plants
Patch c the same thing has happened 3 times killing only 1 plant and stunning 3 others for a couple days and patch b, 2 plants got eaten by a dear and 2 dug up resulting in death and one died from a myself stepping on it
I have been using spray the whole time using literary 3 different kinds of animal deturent. Also pissing around them on the regular. Also i have set up some fishing line around the spots.

As for the help i need, i need to know what is digging up my plants and how to fucking stop it. A straight fence is to much due to the fact its guerrilla. I never have tryed soap or moth balls and need advice on brands and other remedys. Also i want some advice on feeding. As of right now all i have is fish fertilizer. Im thinking of buying the organics fox far tripple set and want to know what u think of that. Fyi the dirt im using is mushroom compost and perlite mixed with hydrated lime and bone meal. But the plants seem to be moving a little slow with growth. Also wanted to know if its to late to get more autoflowers, im thinking of buying 20 frisian dew auto. I would appreciate any help/ advice i could get. Thank you


Well-Known Member
What about a wire cage that goes into the ground? Have you seen this method around, I'm sure I could find the thread of this .
I have seen the wire thread but am very skeptical about anything that someone might see due to the fact theres a decent amount of hunters walking through the woods im at


Well-Known Member
Maybe the fish ferts are attracting whatever is digging up your plants?
I'd try the Irish Springs soap trick.. I use that sometimes cut up into chunks and placed into an old sock. I also add some of my dogs hair and dip it into laundry detergent. If I'm feeling squirrelly I'll add some chunks of deodorant.. like degree or whatever.
I guerilla grow also and get my plots situated months in advance. I use limbs and trees that I cut down to make a natural barrier around the plots and try to condition the deer to stay away. They still come around sometimes but don't mess with my plants.
Good luck with everything this season!


Well-Known Member
yea, Im with Blazin. Fish fert probably attracting racoons. never use stinky ferts in the woods and season your holes way before planting so the animals can dig and check the plot out before you plant.

Camp out and shoot them. I heard they are good to One met this timely devise last year in show and


Well-Known Member
I have been in ur situation for years my friend. Around here the deer repellent doesn't work. It contains blood or egg parts most of the time which will ward away deer but attract, opposums, coons and skunks. The Irish spring soap that wvblazin mentioned didn't seem to work well at all for me. Even a whole bar at a plant. Nor has mothballs. Now here is my secret that I come up with myself and since using have not had one pest whatsoever and will also not only stray away animals but also help with bugs. Go buy you some crushed red pepper, fine garlic powder and a large container of black pepper. Sprinkle it all over the plant and around the base pretty heavily but not too heavy and i promise you won't have any pest problems. Unless it rains very hard you won't have to worry about replacing it. While lst'ing my girls a month or even two after application you will still smell the garlic. Trust me this will save you alto of time and money and once the magic wears off the plant shall be large enough to take care of its own. Have a great grow!


Well-Known Member
I have seen the wire thread but am very skeptical about anything that someone might see due to the fact theres a decent amount of hunters walking through the woods im at
The wire cage goes in the hole that your plant gets put into. It's underground totally hidden. Just make a lid with the same material. Put it around the stalk. The put more dirt on top. It's like putting the roots in a cage. The dog can't get out and nothing can get in. Although this is set up so your roots can get out once they are that long. But still keeps animals from digging it up. The would hit the cage and not be able to dig anymore.