Placing seedlings into starter blocks!


New Member
While placing seeslings into starter block roots are breaking... is this good?? What do i do??? Heellppp..!!!!:)


Well-Known Member
While placing seeslings into starter block roots are breaking... is this good?? What do i do??? Heellppp..!!!!:)

Try not to break the roots. Are you doing hydro or soil? If soil, you don't need the block. If hydro, make the hole bigger, then peel the corner off to stick in the hole to block the light.

Someone else may have another idea.


New Member
Already put them in.. just covered the roots that were exposed w a coner piece.. THANK U!!!! Now by bteaking some roots wiil that affect how they grow??


Well-Known Member
Already put them in.. just covered the roots that were exposed w a coner piece.. THANK U!!!! Now by bteaking some roots wiil that affect how they grow??

As long as you have some root left you've got a good chance they'll grow just fine. I've messed up older roots before and they've come out fine, but I've not broken seedling roots.

I'm pretty sure they will continue growing unless the whole root broke off. If that happened, personally, I would stick it back in the papertowel and try and grow the root again.

My signature line below could be just what you need though. heh heh


Well-Known Member
If you broke the tip off a tap root, you should start another seed. Very low chance of survival.


Well-Known Member
? What is your taproot doing exposed. Just crack the shell in a paper towel. The tap root stays inside :P Plant and it grows. Why do people think they need a five foot tap root to sprout? And if its a rooter, crap just throw it in a rooter and propagation station.


New Member
The root was about 3 inchs long.. I couldn't get it all the way in w/out breaking it.. one broke about 1/2 inches away from the top


Well-Known Member
Yeah that sucks man. Just start another one and get her in there before any roots pop out.