Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahahah lolz, the vid with sound ...


she must be great friends she went to the other candles before her on fire mate :shock:


Well-Known Member
Walk It OFF!

  • [h=2]
    MYTH: You can suck the poison out of a snakebite[/h]
    Survival expert Tony Nester of Arizona’s Ancient Pathways school weighs in: “The problem with the ‘John Wayne cut-and-suck’ method is that you’ve already got a wound. If you weren’t envenomated, and you have somebody sucking on your wound, then they’re adding bacteria and all the nastiness from their mouth into the wound, risking infection. Also, when snakes bite, they do inject venom into the wound. But they also, in extracting their fangs, get venom on the surface of your skin. If you suck the venom into your mouth, it’ll burn up your trachea and your windpipe, and could even damage your stomach. Now you have that to contend with, in addition to the original bite wound.”
  • [h=2]
    REALITY: If a snake bites you, get to a hospital[/h]
    “If you are bitten, you’ve got about a one- to two-hour window to get to the hospital before you start feeling a large-scale, systemic impact,” says Nester. “The best thing to do is just rinse off the wound, stay calm and slowly walk back to your vehicle or call for help to get to the hospital. Once there, you’ll probably be given some doses of antivenom, they’ll monitor you and take it from there.”

    brings a new meaning to the term suck face.


Well-Known Member
There is a product named MSM, a 2 part liquid that will neutralize snake/spider... venom in minutes. It is multipurpose for viruses and pathogens. A few drops will make unpotable water potable
  • [h=2]
    MYTH: You can suck the poison out of a snakebite[/h]
    Survival expert Tony Nester of Arizona’s Ancient Pathways school weighs in: “The problem with the ‘John Wayne cut-and-suck’ method is that you’ve already got a wound. If you weren’t envenomated, and you have somebody sucking on your wound, then they’re adding bacteria and all the nastiness from their mouth into the wound, risking infection. Also, when snakes bite, they do inject venom into the wound. But they also, in extracting their fangs, get venom on the surface of your skin. If you suck the venom into your mouth, it’ll burn up your trachea and your windpipe, and could even damage your stomach. Now you have that to contend with, in addition to the original bite wound.”
  • [h=2]
    REALITY: If a snake bites you, get to a hospital[/h]
    “If you are bitten, you’ve got about a one- to two-hour window to get to the hospital before you start feeling a large-scale, systemic impact,” says Nester. “The best thing to do is just rinse off the wound, stay calm and slowly walk back to your vehicle or call for help to get to the hospital. Once there, you’ll probably be given some doses of antivenom, they’ll monitor you and take it from there.”

    brings a new meaning to the term suck face.