Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


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Its called schadenfreude, laughing at someone else's expense.
my German is not too great but my Dutch/Germanic is okay, translated it sounds like Freudian Damage! or Damage Freudian

EDIT: freude is Joy.....now that makes more sense. :clap:

Sorry, just amusing myself. Carry on!


Well-Known Member
laughing at the expense of others, now that is german :D[video=youtube;t9B-ZoS0wvU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9B-ZoS0wvU[/video]

fuck you lady thats what stairs are for!


Well-Known Member
hahaha, quality^^^^^ That sounded a bit like Kermit the Frog in that song....I think I need a bong rip.


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An older couple are driving home on a cold fall night when out runs a skunk. just grazing the animal the couple stop to see if it had survived. They then see that the animal is not dead, they pick it up to rush to the nearest vet clinic, on the way there the wife says to the husband, i think he is cold, he is shivering. the husband replies, put the skunk down between your legs to keep him warm. What about the smell? says the wife. husband replies. just, just pinch his little nose....


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