Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Now THIS is a REAL business woman!!!!


Lady Selling Margaritas on the Beach

(reportedly clearing $1250.00 per day)...
The jobs are out there!

Maybe a version selling to women,,,,?
Birth of the Blues

This is supposed to be the ONLY time Johnny Carson sang in public! This show is at Kiel Opera House in St Louis in June, 1965 when Johnny Carson hosted the Tonight Show. The Rat Pack were playing Vegas, but visited Carson for this wonderfully entertaining performance. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Johnny Carson, and to top it off Quincy Jones was conducting the Count Basie band, and he is visible in the background.

The man’s version of Antique’s Roadshow will help you determine if that priceless beauty you have got your hands on is real or fake. Something tells me this guy will get over his initial disappointed of finding out the piece he inherited from his father is a fake.

I'll be on Fort Myers Beach in an hour. What will you have on????? LOL.

It's gonna take me a while to get the parts for the kit. :cry:

Actually some duct tape, a clear slurpee cup, a belt and a flexi-straw......and that's all I'll be wearing.

Oh and socks.....it's chilly out. :-P
Don't forget what cold temps do to ornamentations. You might want to think about bulking up. LOL.
It's gonna take me a while to get the parts for the kit. :cry:

Actually some duct tape, a clear slurpee cup, a belt and a flexi-straw......and that's all I'll be wearing.

Oh and socks.....it's chilly out. :-P
Ok....good point. So I need a tube sock and hand warmers. That should be good.

i would just like to point out that your ornament as winter calls it would be incased in a cold drink.. and if u were to wear a tube sock i believe that would counteract the appeal of buying a margarita from u.. so it looks like ur just gonna have to deal with the shrinkage my friend..