Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Ursus marijanus
...btw, what's "oves"? I know it's "sheep, plural" in Latin, but I cannot imagine that's what you meant. Even so, if it's what I think ... they could use a little herding, and I volunteer. cn

~adjusts denim~


New Member
Slang for ovaries LOL, sounds better I think . She has balls, in a girl kind of way. I bet she could rock your world. I would be admitted into the ER stat !!


Well-Known Member
Live at the Electric. was looking for the security guard skit but couldn't find it.



Well-Known Member
Couple of pics I took.......

Even the Dutch hate the French (I am reading a 1000 Years of Annoying the French) and found this quite funny! Taken at a local Brewery.

And this is how we role in Amsterdam......like a Gee!

no offence MrFrance....