Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

KITTANNING, Pa. -- State police say a pair of amorous bovines tied up traffic near the intersection of two rural Pennsylvania highways.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette first reported the situation Friday morning. Trooper John Corna tells The Associated Press it was resolved about 9:15 a.m. when state Department of Agriculture managed to shoo the bull and cow into a trailer.
Corna says the intersection of Routes 28 and 85 in Rayburn Township is busier than usual because of construction, and traffic was hampered when the mating bovines refused to budge. The intersection is about 40 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
Corna says troopers "kept trying to shoo them off the highway, but that just got the bull mad and it started to escalate."
The animals are at a nearby farm until their owner is identified.
Life is short!

Imagine that every morning, a bank would open an account under your name with a balance to spend of $86,400.00.
But, there are two rules to obay.

The first rule is that everything that you would not spend during the day would be taken away from you coming the following day. You cannot cheat, you cannot transfer this money into an other account, you can only spend it and every morning the bank would open another account with another $86,400.00 in it for you to spend for the day.

Second rule : the bank can stop this «game » without warning: at any time the bank can tell you that the « game » is over, it is closing the account and there is no more money for you to spend.

Knowing this what would you do? I am convinced you would spend every dollar pleasing yourself, making thousands of gifts to people you love. You would make sure that you would use every dollar bringing happiness in your life and in the life of the people around you.

This magic bank, each and every one of us have, it’s TIME.
Every morning, when we wake-up, we are credited with 86400 seconds of life for the day and when we fall asleep theese seconds are not reported the following day. What as not been « lived » during that day is gone, yesterday as just gone by.

Every morning this MAGIC starts allover again. We play with this uncontrolable rule : the bank could close your account at any time, without warning : life may stop. So, what are you doing with your daily 86400 seconds of life?

Life is short, even for the ones that find it long…..so, make with life the best you can!

Dirty Harry's remarks...For everyone who says, "I'll do it tomorrow...", some day, some time, tomorrow will no longer come. It is nothing but a dream. Live it now! Live is terminal, none of us are getting out of it alive.
looks like a Rottweiler mixed with a German Shepard .

The power of imagery. We know its just cake but something about it just makes your skin crawl.

The power of imagery. We know its just cake but something about it just makes your skin crawl.

Who are these people ???? !!!

No like button hit cuz it's gross. +rep for the balls to post it.
Edit:Sorry rhino, the rep machine said I must spread them to give them,