Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
i took it in college.... really no hot chicks 2 outta 15 in class. slept wit one and she did not take class work home..ya know.ps good to see u back wikid


Well-Known Member
i took it in college.... really no hot chicks 2 outta 15 in class. slept wit one and she did not take class work home..ya know.ps good to see u back wikid
Awww, have i really been gone that much lately? :hug:

This is HORRIBLE :shock:

"...and in agony he bashed her on the head with the pan." More like he bashed her over the head to get her to let go. And th injuries listed at the end...doesn't that sound like he beat her ass afterwards? :???:

"I knew when I saw the rolling pin that something bad was going to go down." LMFAO, omg, that's...great.
