Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
A couple years ago I saw marker on my middle son's (5) arm and saw it said gay. Of course I assumed my oldest son (9) did it. So I yelled and said, "How dare you write gay on Luc's arm!"

Well my oldest son said he didn't write on Luc's arm, that Luc wrote on his own arm. I said, "Bullshit, Luc can't write that good!"
Well Luc did write on his own arm and was writing his own name.

I was reading it upside down. The backwards fucked up "L" looked like "Y" upside down, "u" looked like "A" and the "c" looked like a "g".

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Actually, that is a very funny story. The things that kids do is really incredible.

We had one that told the other that if he wore his Superman cape while riding his bicycle off the end of a long line of bricks on skids (construction site) he could fly. You do know what happened don't you? The kid spoke in soprano for days.
A couple years ago I saw marker on my middle son's (5) arm and saw it said gay. Of course I assumed my oldest son (9) did it. So I yelled and said, "How dare you write gay on Luc's arm!"

Well my oldest son said he didn't write on Luc's arm, that Luc wrote on his own arm. I said, "Bullshit, Luc can't write that good!"
Well Luc did write on his own arm and was writing his own name.

I was reading it upside down. The backwards fucked up "L" looked like "Y" upside down, "u" looked like "A" and the "c" looked like a "g".

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
7 year girl plays Guns n Roses 'Sweet Child o Mine' Since I don't play I don't know if it's hard or not but she sounds pretty damn good to me.


Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day. One remarked to the other, “Windy, isn’t it?” “No,” the second man replied, “It’s Thursday.” And the third man chimed in, “So am I. Let’s have a beer.”


Ursus marijanus
Three French boys were walking past some commotion in a haystack/
"Look!" the five-year-old exclaimed. "Two grownups fighting."
"They're not fighting", the seven-year-old explained. "They're making love."
"Indeed", added the nine-year-old.
"And badly."


Well-Known Member