Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Since I carry a Ruger P90DC .45ACP with hot semi-wad cutters in magazine one and NATO military ball ammunition in magazine two...My answer would be BANG!BANG! as I was trained to shoot double taps. Maybe Bang!Bang![Pause]BANG! if I think he is wearing body armor and I take a head shot.
After that, if he is still moving, I am going to shake that fuckers hand. If you can't drop someone with three rounds or less of .45ACP, leave your gun at home son...you don't know how to use it.

2 in the chest and one in the head, make sure he's dead. Kudos on carrying a .45ACP too, I love my Kimber Desert Warrior. I also have a 1970 Gov't Model Colt 1911 but unfortunately due to a housefire and smoke/water damage it is unshootable in its current condition and I do not have the means to repair it =/
A guy's wife has been a coma for over 8 months. They had no insurance and the hospital needs the bed. The dutiful husband came by every day to comfort her. A sympathetic nurse noticed that when he visited his wife seemed to respond, if ever so slightly, to his touch. She mentioned this to the husband and suggested that he try something a bit more intimate in hopes of reviving her. She closed the door to give them privacy, and went back to the nurse's station.

Five minutes later the code blue alarm goes off. The nurse runs to the room, crash cart in pursuit. She opens the door and sees him sitting on top of his wife. In a panic, the nurse yells out "What happened?"

The husband looks over his shoulder and says "I think she choked"
They let her out if the house like that?

like i just dont understand the shorts arent even up past her tights,,,DID SHE NOT SEE THST! are they not tight ...like i hope she ddint go and sit down at the mcdonalds there theyd friggin fall off...
2 in the chest and one in the head, make sure he's dead. Kudos on carrying a .45ACP too, I love my Kimber Desert Warrior. I also have a 1970 Gov't Model Colt 1911 but unfortunately due to a housefire and smoke/water damage it is unshootable in its current condition and I do not have the means to repair it =/
I have a Jager AP-74-22LR (a 22 cal AR15 clone) that was in a house fire I had 13 years ago I have started to try and repair. The action and all the plastic parts are fine but the barrel shows rust externally. I am wanting to sand it down and re-blue the barrel but the damn slip ring holding the hand guards in place is rusted solid and will not release them after weeks of hitting it with all different types of lubricant. I am going to have to try and pry them out and hope they don't break. It's a damn nice .22 cal rifle and its appearance makes it look like the real thing.
VERY cheap to shoot...or it was.
For your 1911, completely take it apart and soak the pieces in parts cleaner for a day or so and then use fine sand paper or steel wool and buff off any rust. A dremel with a wire brush does wonders.
If it is not all melted and seized up, I think some DIY TLC could get it functional again.
"Sons of Guns" can probably get it repaired but since they are also doing a TV show, they will probably be pricey.
the walmart greeter should have stopped her at the door. "welcome to walmart, get that thing out of here!"

She is in the wrong section, she needs to be in the clothing section to find some damn shorts that fit.