Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Daddy , how was I born?

A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'

The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you
will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe.. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: You've got male.

The Polite Way to Pee

During one of her daily classes, a teacher trying to teach good manners, asked her students the following question:

'Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?'

Michael said: 'Just a minute I have to go pee.'

The teacher responded by saying:
'That would be rude and impolite.

What about you Sherman, how would you say it?'

Sherman said:
'I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom.
I'll be right back.'

'That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the
word bathroom at the dinner table.

And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?'

Johnny said:
'I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a
moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.'

The Sailor Pictured Below Is,
Navy Petty Officer,
PO2 (Petty Officer, Second Class)
EOD2 (Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Second Class)
April 5th, 1981 ~ September 29th, 2009

Mike Monsoor,

Was Awarded "The Congressional Medal Of Honor",

For Giving His Life In Iraq, As He Jumped On, And Covered With His Body, A Live Hand Grenade,

Saving The Lives Of A Large Group Of Navy Seals That Was Passing By!

During Mike Monsoor's Funeral,

At Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery , In San Diego, California ..

The Six Pallbearers Removed The Rosewood Casket From The Hearse,

And Lined Up On Each Side Of Mike Monsoor's Casket,

Were His Family Members, Friends, Fellow Sailors, And Well-wishers.

The Column Of People Continued From The Hearse, All The Way To The Grave Site.

What The Group Didn't Know At The Time Was,

Every Navy Seal (45 To Be Exact)

That Mike Monsoor Saved That Day Was Scattered Through-Out The Column!

As The Pallbearers Carried The Rosewood Casket

Down The Column Of People To The Grave Side.

The Column Would Collapse..

Which Formed A Group Of People That Followed Behind.

Every Time The Rosewood Casket Passed A Navy Seal,

He Would Remove His Gold Trident Pin From His Uniform, And Slap It Down Hard,

Causing The Gold Trident Pin To Embed Itself

Into The Top Of The Wooden Casket!

Then The Navy Seal Would Step Back From The Column, And Salute!

Now For Those,

Who Don't Know What A Trident Pin Is,

Here Is The Definition!

After One Completes The Basic Navy Seals Program Which Lasts For Three Weeks,

And Is Followed By Seal Qualification Training,

Which Is 15 More Weeks Of Training,

Necessary To Continue Improving Basic Skills And To Learn New Tactics And Techniques,

Required For An Assignment To A Navy Seal Platoon.

After successful completion,

Trainees Are Given Their Naval Enlisted Code,

And Are Awarded The Navy Seal Trident Pin.

With This Gold Pin They Are Now Officially Navy Seals!

It Was Said,

That You Could Hear Each Of The 45 Slaps From Across The Cemetery!

By The Time The Rosewood Casket Reached The Grave Site,

It Looked As Though It Had A Gold Inlay From The 45 Trident Pins That Lined The Top!


This Was A Fitting End To An Eternal Send-Off For A Warrior Hero!

This Should Be Front-Page News!

Instead Of The Garbage We Listen To And See Every Day.



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I hate reality entertainment... and I know about Charlie Sheen. only because he's bi-winning..

Maybe i'm smoking too much pot and watching too much fox news, but I think Charlie Sheen has enslaved Lybia and the people are throwing a revolt against him in the streets and he stands up on the palace swinging a machete around in the air and refusing to show what he's drinking unless they pay him to the rebel forces....

but it could just be good weed. ;P
Is this fricken dog nuts or what ? LOL

I totally agree with Smokey. I was at the funeral of a very good friend last year who was a Marine and put down his life to save people he didn't know, so find your laughs somewhere else!!! Jij bent een kut wijf Meanweed!!!

dude that aint bullshit...that sailor gave his life and earned the congressional medal of honor. where the fuck is your respect?
I dont think he was disrespecting anything. His point is valid though. Not one thing about the post made me lol. Huge thanks to the soldier and his family for the sacrifice they have made for me so I can look at some pics that do make me lol. Now please back to the funny.

Ok I did just reread the post. It is valid like I said but he does come off as a prick.
Maybe you have to be from Detroit to really appreciate this one. Go Ford!
28 million hits, so it isn't new. But, it is good

how will starting a new funny thread help things be more funny ..

cant really hurt....the different sites we all go to have different media and this is an awesome share thread, idgaf what people that dont post say. if you dont like it or dont add to the pool then gtfo...i cant say that you will be missed by me. to everyone else that posts on a regular basis keep it up! posts funny, (or not) pix vids or stories (i can read i dont mind), old or new. i enjoy them all. this thread is what it is and im cool with it