Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Minnesota became the 32nd state on May 11, 1858 and was originally settled by a lost tribe of Norwegians seeking refuge from the searing heat of Wisconsin's winters. Minnesota gets its name from the Sioux Indian word "mah-nee-soo-tah", meaning, "No, really... They eat fish soaked in lye".

The state song of Minnesota is "Someday the Vikings will...Aw, never mind".

The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota covers 9.5 million square feet and has enough space to hold 185,000 idiot teenagers yapping away on cell phones.

Madison, Minnesota is known as "the lutefisk capital of the world". Avoid this city at all costs.

"The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was set in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and was Mary's first real acting job since leaving the "Dick van Dyke Show. The show about a single woman's struggle to find happiness in the big city was originally titled "Life Without Dick", but that was changed for some reason.

Downtown Minneapolis has an enclosed skyway system covering 52 blocks, allowing people to live, work, eat, and sleep without ever going outside. The only downside to this is that a Norwegian occasionally turns up missing.

The Hormel Company of Austin, Minnesota produces 6 million cans of Spam a year, even though no one actually eats it. Spam is a prized food in Japan & Hawaii--Spam sushi!!

Frank C. Mars - founder of the Mars Candy Co - was born in Newport, Minnesota. His 3 Musketeers candy bar originally contained three bars in one wrapper; each filled with a different flavor of nougat -chocolate, Spam and lutefisk.

Tonka trucks continue to be manufactured in Minnetonka, Minnesota, despite the thousands of GI Joe dolls killed by them annually in rollover accidents. No airbags, no seat belts. These things are deathtraps, I tell ya!

Author Laura Ingalls Wilder was raised at Walnut Grove , Minnesota, and was famous for writing the "Little House" series of books, as well as inventing the "Spam diet" which consists of looking at a plate of Spam until you lose your appetite - Much like the "lutefisk diet".

The snowmobile was invented in Roseau , Minnesota so as to allow families a means of attending 4th of July picnics.

Minnesotans are almost indistinguishable from Wisconsinites. The only way to tell them apart is to ask if they voted for Mondale in '84.
Now be sure to make your plans to attend the Eelpout Festival in Walker, MN, February
18-20, 2011.

not what you expect to happen
An old man and a old woman met at an retirement home. They had been dateing for quite some time now and one day the old man asks, "If I pull out my penis, would you hold it?" The women agrees and so everyday they would sit on a bench in the garden and the woman would hold the man's penis. One day the woman went to the garden early and found the man with another woman. She approached the man and asked what the other woman has that she doesn't. The man replied gleefully "Parkinsons"!
So there's a boy named Johnny in his class, and his teacher brings up a discussion about morals. After listening to a few of the kids talk about morals, she chooses Johnny to come to the front of class and tell a story about morals.

Standing in front of the class Johnny begins his story, "Well when my dad was in the war he was sitting in the front lines in the trenches, waiting for the orders to begin the assault". "While waiting for the order, he lit up a nice fat cigar and chugged back his flask of whiskey". "Then the order came so he charged out into no mans land and he sees a German soldier, so he shoots him in the balls with his rifle, he jumps down into the enemy trenches and blows some guys face off". "Just as he thought the coast was clear he felt a tap on his shoulder, immediately he grabbed his pistol, turned and shot the last German in the heart".

Johnny then begins to go sit down in his chair when the teacher says "Well Johnny, that was...an intriguing story, but what is the moral to this"?

Johnny replies "Ya don't fuck with the old man when he's been drinkin"
Not only do the young kids have better toys than we did, they have better sports too. I wanta 'do-over'. lol. Pretty cool, wish I could do that. I loved the part when the dog almost gets in the way and the size of the crowds. awesome.

pretty hardcore bike race
rap battle translated
speaking of kicking animals...
I saw that on the news and thought the bastard should've been arrested right there and then. Kicking an injured animal for no good reason. A pitiful excuse for a MAN.

speaking of kicking animals...
I understand that. I've posted things here that others thought was well... questionable. Look at it this way, we are doing the RIU community a service by keeping them informed. lol. Keep on posting I like your stuff.

yeah thats why i didnt post it a few days ago but it was broght up and i had it so....