Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

I remember that guy. they had an episode with a guy who cut his leg off with a chainsaw, and he wanted to cut his other leg off too. it was fucking stupid, and that torso got PISSED (The torso was actually security on the springer show)


Well-Known Member

I remember that guy. they had an episode with a guy who cut his leg off with a chainsaw, and he wanted to cut his other leg off too. it was fucking stupid, and that torso got PISSED (The torso was actually security on the springer show)
That explains it....but WTF is that guy gonna do as security? lol I wonder if he still has junk and what he does to protect it.


Well-Known Member
Bite you in the crotch!. Lol seriously he reminds me of something in some game, probaly a mad max game.


Well-Known Member
Secret footage, shot by an unidentified storm trooper

It may have been this one.....

But whoever shot the footage, it is apparent it is a hit.....

Up Next: Was Hammer in Star Wars? The answers here.....



Well-Known Member
A series of pics to a soundtrack.....



Active Member
this kids life is going to be hard when hes older
