Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

LOL is a personal thing.

Personally, I do not find this funny in the least.

Let me ask what you think is funny about feeding blotter to babies?

So many dying from smuggled fentanyl, and you still push this as humor, is insulting.

It’s clearly photoshopped, and not everyone will laugh, I know that. Still for some it tickles that dark sense of humour as well. Other stuff is posted that I didn’t like and so I don’t upvote that, like the Domestic Violence one a page back. So I’m sorry it offended you, but some above DID enjoy as well. It’s like watching The Addams Family and enjoying all of its macabre humour too. It’s for entertainment and I still laugh at Lurch cooking “that poor girl” in the cake for Fester’s bachelor party. The whole 2nd movie (my fav of the 2) had a plot where the kids try in several brutal ways to kill their baby brother Pubert
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