Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

yes, it would fly straight through you
for 99% of people, they would only be hitting you by chance at that range, and while no puncture would is good, there is no guarantee of lethality, worse case scenario is it still has some momentum and hits a rib, making it tumble through your organs...it would be just about the poorest choice you could make for a sniper rifle, only a shotgun might be a worse choice.
they're drawing a lot of conclusions about lethality, and accuracy. again i say, while it is possible to hit someone that far, and kill them, you would have to be HIGHLY skilled with a damn nice rifle...most people's skill level would drop the range to under 250 yards, and the lethality to maybe 50%...maybe.
for every clean hit they're showing, you'll have one that gets blown off course or gets deflected by twigs, or hits at an angle an either glances off or turns sideways, which i've seen on small game, with much smaller, less dense bones than an adult human being.
bottom line, if you send two guys out to hunt each other, one with a 22, and one with a 30-06, i know who i'll be betting on, everything else being equal.
they're drawing a lot of conclusions about lethality, and accuracy. again i say, while it is possible to hit someone that far, and kill them, you would have to be HIGHLY skilled with a damn nice rifle...most people's skill level would drop the range to under 250 yards, and the lethality to maybe 50%...maybe.
for every clean hit they're showing, you'll have one that gets blown off course or gets deflected by twigs, or hits at an angle an either glances off or turns sideways, which i've seen on small game, with much smaller, less dense bones than an adult human being.
bottom line, if you send two guys out to hunt each other, one with a 22, and one with a 30-06, i know who i'll be betting on, everything else being equal.
My rifle is only a .280, but it has a little powder behind it. Remington 7 MM Mag.