Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


New Member
You can just see that little Kitty gettin all gangsta. "I'm gonna mess you up!" "i'm bad!!"

Then................. reality. :lol:


Well-Known Member
fdd's right, it's impossible for someone to neg rep you twice in a row. Unless they just hit enter a bunch of times and make it show up multiple times, but they would all show up at once and you'd only get the points from one.

When someone reps you they have to rep 30 other people before they can rep you again. I'm not exactly sure how many people you can rep in a day, but I KNOW it's less than 30.

So it has to be two different people neg repping you. And only elites can neg rep (and mods? I'm not sure about mods). Regular members can't neg rep.

Are you sure they're neg reps and not neutral reps? How many points are they taking you down?
BACK IN THE DAY WE USED TO BE ABLE TO NEG REP.but they put this new skin in and took it away.the skin i hate changed back right away and WE SHOULD ALL BE ABLE TO NEG REP.thats so messed we are ALL members.


Well-Known Member
kinda random i know but ive been lookin through this WHOLE thread and kinda wanted to voice my opinion.i freakin love this thread ive been copy pasting alot of this stuff and putting it on my blackberry crackin people up at my job.couple of my favs so far are the white guy in the black guys photocould not stop laughin at that dudes face.the white chick holding the KFC bucket from the black chick OMG freakin classic.or the white kid with the gun next to the vacume(ya nigga its a dyson)WOW.as soon as a saw the WHITE GUYS STOLE MY CAR ONE I TRIED IT IMMEDIATELY.laughed harded wen i looked at the next post that said"i bet you tried it" yes i did.and being in AZ the mexican chicks with the sharpies went a long way with me. i prolly showed that to every wite chick at my job.disabled sister one is funny but wrong.i love UFC so the jiu jitsu one with Wanderla Silva and Shoagun Rua was great to.keep this shit coming perfect to get stoned and laugh ur ass off.


Well-Known Member
BACK IN THE DAY WE USED TO BE ABLE TO NEG REP.but they put this new skin in and took it away.the skin i hate changed back right away and WE SHOULD ALL BE ABLE TO NEG REP.thats so messed we are ALL members.
When I first joined (same month and year as you apparently), regular members could only give positive rep. At some point they changed it so regular members could give negative rep, but it caused too much drama, with people leaving neg rep anonymously, for bs reasons, and what not.

I think it's better that neg rep can only be handed out by Elites. That way if you get one without a sig, you at least know it wasn't a REGULAR member.