Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
Some of these might not be the funniest pics in the world, but I wanted to keep this thread going...

Really cool if this is a real bar. Looks photoshopped though to me.
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Well-Known Member
i don't know whether to laugh or be worried at the gif with the women fainting. Looked like that unit fell on her head, actually, lmao.....

And the progress bar, hehe, top one!!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
i don't know whether to laugh or be worried at the gif with the women fainting. Looked like that unit fell on her head, actually, lmao.....

And the progress bar, hehe, top one!!
And notice the other woman didn't flinch or give a shit. The guy didn't seem to worried either. I take it the one who fainted was not well liked.


Well-Known Member
at first i was like wtf. he was like, " i walked into his room and he was listening to a mf doom record to an old wheel of fortune episode" lmao.


Active Member
warning there is a ton of swearing in this video but it is super funny
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Well-Known Member
hahahaha! that shit is fucked up.

She's choking!

Are you choking?

*Nods head in a panic*

Heimlich Maneuver!!

Head bang!!!! LOL