Not gettin' mine back, they nipped the tip the day I was born, then some asshole dunked my head in water and told me I was saved for some shit I didn't do, all of it without talking to me. I'm more pissed about the baptism than the circumcision, honestly. Don't miss the flapy skin and never had a problem from lacking it, as far as I know no psychological harm from having it done either. Married 25 years and functioned well enough to create a female hellion mini-me offspring that I'm sure is going to take over the world.
My dad on the other hand was uncut and didn't wash his junk. He had to have a circumcision done in his late 50's because of the resulting infection. So my vote goes with sure, I'd rather have it done at 60-minutes old than 60-years old, but I wash my junk too so whatever.
I only have one daughter, both my wife and I are snipped to prevent that from ever happening again. So lacking a male child or any chance for one, I have absolutely no vote. The activists who call it mutilation might want to talk to my dad, he didn't enjoy having it done as a senior.