Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I found its daddy

Song is awful yet compelling

Third one down. Think Cali, dad and buddy were going down a hill, popped it in neutral and stood up on his 650 triumph, coasted down the hill... Dad went to the baja peninsula with a friend, hit every bar in Encenada (21) went to check if their bikes were gone.. nope. as they're leaving a international travel-all full of mexican police were there as they pulled wheelies right past them. They out ran the cops, went off road and laid down the bikes in some shrubs. woke up next morning next to a beach full of hot chicks in bikinis. Dudes lived a full life and a half
A thai relative of mine's husband died on a moped like that. Guy was loaded but still liked to take his family out on a moped, family of 5. Crazy. All the ladies ride side saddle.
Tangents are the third T in T&T. I"ll PM some to you tomorrow. 1965 T120C, 1974 T150 Trident. 1946 Indian Chief in boxes.


The iconic opening score was played on zither by Anton Karas, a Viennese entertainer who often played in the “Heurige”, taverns to the east of the city where the new (“this year’s”) wine flowed freely. I visited one in ‘92. The wine was excellent, but the deli food was on another level.

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The iconic opening score was played on zither by Anton Karas, a Viennese entertainer who often played in the “Heurige”, taverns to the east of the city where the new (“this year’s”) wine flowed freely. I visited one in ‘92. The wine was excellent, but the deli food was on another level.

Being a 3rd does not always even out.
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