Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I wanted to let you know that earlier today I received my "Obamacare enrollment packet” from the White House.

It contained:
· An aspirin and a band-aid.
· An 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker
· A 'Bush's Fault' yard sign
· A 'Blame Republicans first, then anybody and everybody' poster
· A 'Tax the Rich' banner
· An application for unemployment and a free cellphone
· An application for food stamps
· A prayer rug
· A letter assigning my debt to my grandchildren
· And lastly, a coupon for a machine that blows smoke up my ass.

Everything was made in " China " and all directions were in Spanish.

Keep an eye out. Yours should be arriving soon.